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Bad teaching kills reading skills : Comments
By Jennifer Buckingham, published 2/10/2013Billions of dollars have been spent in the past decade on programs aimed at improving literacy, yet thousands of children still struggle with basic reading skills.
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In particular I appreciated your comment that "pointing out letter sounds ... is not phonics instruction". Many teachers seek to appease parents who are worried that their children are not literate after several years in school, by telling them that they are now introducing a phonics approach, when, as you point out, they in their ignorance, are using what some would call incidental phonics, which is not phonics at all.
Further, it is important for children who have been incorrectly taught, to undo the ideographic reflex, which is learned in the ideographic method, during the remedial process.
During the 90s, I realised that university lecturers, who were promoting the look and guess method in teacher training institutions, were creating lucrative text book deals with text book publishers, which entrenched incorrect methods of teaching reading in our teacher training institutions. It became a self-perpetuating promotion of ignorance on the trainee teachers' part and of growing literacy problems among school students.
Please keep up the good work.