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Global warming activism is bad for the environment : Comments

By Seath Holswich, published 2/5/2017

Just because you are sharing the facts, doesn't mean you are creating a convincing argument that will lead to positive action.

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Looking forward to buy your book: "Better Tricks for Clumsy Swindlers".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 10:17:13 AM
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Since when did plastic bags “break down”? They are still used ever day,and there is no stopping them, no matter what the tail chasers and bed-wetters say about them. Most probably go into land fill, where they are at least out of sight, instead of stuck up against fences as they used to be. On a scale of one to ten, they would be at the very bottom given the real problems we have in this country.

'Activists' have been crying 'wolf' for so long, and the wolf has never turned up: why would anyone take any notice of them?

“It's time environmental activists took a step back and majored more on how to communicate their message and less on highlighting the sheer scale of the global problem and trying to shame people into action.”

I would prefer them to crawl back into their caves and stay there.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 10:22:05 AM
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If activists shared the facts they'd be out of business and we could worry about the real environmental problem - lack of mild burning. Koalas are declining off a completely unnatural high. Like anything else that gets sustenance from trees they breed up when trees get sick because the soil changes with lack of fire and their roots deteriorate. That's why we have plagues of koalas, psyllids, bellbirds, mistletoes, cherries, phytophthora, armillaria etc. When the trees start dying so do all the pests including koalas.
Explorers didn't see koalas because they are naturally rare because of shortage of sick trees in healthy forests and woodlands. They bred up in thick new growth of young trees and declining old trees after we disrupted Aboriginal burning and established improved pastures. They bred up again in SE Queensland when hobby farms and suburbs replaced grazed and burnt native pastures.
Read Firestick Ecology published by Connor Court!
Posted by Little, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 11:16:54 AM
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King scammer wants more money.

Al Gore’s New Group Demands $15 Trillion To Fight Global Warming

A group of executives who want to fight global warming has published a new report calling for countries to spend up to $600 billion a year over the next two decades to boost green energy deployment and energy efficiency equipment.

The Energy Transitions Commission’s (ETC) report claims “additional investments of around $300-$600 billion per annum do not pose a major macroeconomic challenge,” which they say will help the world meet the goals laid out in the Paris agreement

ETC is made up of energy executives, activist leaders and investment bankers, including former Vice President Al Gore, who would no doubt get a piece of the trillions of dollars they are calling for.

The group says an “explicit, predictably rising, forward price curve for carbon, resulting from policy, reaching approximately $50 per tonne in the 2020s and rising to around $100 per tonne in the 2030s – is essential to drive decarbonization beyond power, to reinforce regulatory-driven improvements in energy productivity and to prevent falling fossil fuels prices from undermining the pace of the energy transition.”
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 11:44:37 AM
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Oh god, & dummies like this bloke get into the ministry. Heaven help us.

The plastic bag scam must be about as bad as the global warming scam, & he appears to have fallen for both, & a few others along the way. Perhaps this piece is just electioneering, & trying to pick up some pale green votes, but I doubt it.

On the plastic bag front, try hanging one on a fence for a few months. In less than 3 months ultra Violet light has so degraded the plastic that they are breaking up into small hard brittle pieces. In 6 months it is turning to dust, & having no more effect on the soil it degrades into than grains of silica sand.

How some people fall for every con job documentary made is a mystery to me. Why those with a wish to rule are the most gullible is an even bigger mystery, but it does seem to be a fact.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 1:44:14 PM
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For year they have had the technology and do it, that can make plastic bags that disintegrate over a roughly predetermined time one year or whatever they want.
Posted by Philip S, Tuesday, 2 May 2017 2:31:29 PM
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