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The Forum > General Discussion > Should I, Would you?

Should I, Would you?

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As some of you know, I have an old sports car. Its 33 birthday is in just a couple of weeks.

12 years ago I bought 2 wrecks for $1,200, & built a good one from the two. It was no concourse beauty, but was pretty nice. It was my only car for 6 years, & still my main transport until recently taken off the road for a rebuild.

She was getting a bit battered with stone chips & dings from tree branches & stuff on the roads after our floods. When I acquired a genuine air conditioning unit from an ex US import, & had that fitted, I decided she deserved a full restoration.

After a bare metal paint job she got an effectively new engine, some new seats & some retiming, along with a new radiator & cooling system. I have spent something like the cost of a new medium hatch, but have a much nicer car, with a bit of character. It also looks a picture after all the work.You may be able to guess, I love that old car.

So today, at the shopping center the disabled parking was full. I parked way down in a near empty part of the parking, near a trolley return. I needed a trolley to lean on to walk that far.

I chose the end of a row, hard against a garden bed, leaving double normal space beside my car. When I returned a car had parked 30cm into my space, & left a dent in my door with theirs. I could see it was them, their door had my paint still on it.

I was wearing my heavy work boots. Tell me, would you have left the imprint of your boot in their door, in my place?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 19 April 2013 5:51:47 PM
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No! It'll come back and bite you. Get their details and go to the cops. That's what we pay them for!

Sheesh, Hasbeen. You're not 18 anymore :~)
Posted by RawMustard, Friday, 19 April 2013 9:10:21 PM
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No, I wouldn't, Hasbeen. I'd have driven carefully to a convenient distance, then collected every trolley I could find and launched them at the offending car at the best speed I could achieve.

Then I'd have collected them all like a good citizen and put them in the trolley return so nobody would have an accident.

I've had very similar experiences to yours. I've even had my motorcycle knocked over by an incompetent, nitwitted, fat tool that was incapable of turning his neck far enough to use the side mirror. He was in the process of driving away, not realizing I'd seen it happen when the can of baked beans shattered his window.

Some people should not be allowed on the road.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 19 April 2013 9:11:37 PM
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Vigilante justice - one would have to wonder what that type of person is capable of doing in other scenarios.

As RawMustard said call the cops that is what they are paid for.
Posted by Philip S, Friday, 19 April 2013 9:53:04 PM
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>>As RawMustard said call the cops that is what they are paid for.<<

It is what they're paid for but it's not what they do. I'm pretty sure that taking this to the cops would not have achieved a damn thing.

I'd have keyed his car for fear of hurting my foot :)


Posted by Tony Lavis, Friday, 19 April 2013 10:23:55 PM
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I must admit I was surprised & somewhat disappointed to realise I am just a bit too civilised to do it. I thought I was tougher than that. I did not even bother to take the number of the offending car, knowing that talking to the police was a waste of time.

I know my painter charges $400 a panel, just the excess on my insurance, so the insurance Company would be no help either. So what recourse do we have against the kind of people who have no respect for others or their property. Actually Philip S, I think you may be quite wrong in your ideas. Perhaps we have surrendered too much to government & authority in this antiseptic world. Perhaps a bit more vigilante justice, is what we need to restore respect for others in some people. All to often such antisocial behaviour goes unpunished.

I do have some of the paint, so I'll try to fix it myself, how well that goes depends on how well it covers.

RawMustard I can only assume you have never put much effort into anything. I put a year of all my spare time into building something from 2 piles of scrap. Do you think I should simply except careless people degrading my effort. Pray tell just what age has to do with turning the other cheek to the antisocial folk who do this type of thing.

I knew a bloke who used to carry a tyre valve removal tool for just such events. He would simply remove two valves on one side & leave them sitting beside the flat tyres. He reckoned the resultant hassle for the offender was a suitable response. I used to think he was a bit evil, but now I'm starting to see his point.

Must drop into Repco parts store next time I'm in town. Perhaps I'm not too civilised for a mild response.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 20 April 2013 12:26:36 AM
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