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Climate change at Radio National : Comments

By Valerie Yule, published 12/8/2011

If 10 percent of Australians are smart, how is it that only 2 percent of them listen to Radio National?

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"Australia needs a radio station catering for intelligence if it wants to be the Clever Country and stand respected internationally."

It's exactly that kind of patronizing elitism that turns people off.

I do detect the tone from the author that it is the customer's fault .. not the programming or the policies or politics of the ABC.

This is such a common theme these days, and instead f listening to what people want, the ABC tells people they are wrong .. Aunty knows best.

I'd be surprised if even 2% of the population listened, i reckon that's a huge exaggeration.
Posted by Amicus, Friday, 12 August 2011 9:22:11 AM
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Bravo Valerie. I agree with all of that, especially the music though mercifully there's not too much of the rhythmnic, repetitive stuff that has driven me away from other stations. Radio National is full of gems and is well worth listening to most of the time, but it does need to address the issues which Valerie has raised, such as excessive promos. If the listening audience is indeed over 50 or 60, then RN should adapt their programming to that and not try and attract the Triple J audience.
Posted by popnperish, Friday, 12 August 2011 9:28:32 AM
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I agree with most of this article , as a 66 year old who has been a daily listener to ABC Radio since childhood and a watcher of ABC TV since it commenced .
There has no doubt been a dumbing down of the ABC , particularly in comments by presenters promoting sporting contests , cars [ " we all love them "] and the alleged lifestyle choices of " all " Australians [ we all have bogan tastes , apparently ] .

Geraldine Doogue , who , 20 years ago , always presented intelligently , now increasingly seems to think that she has to appeal to a lower level of tastes .

In defence of the ABC , to which I continue to listen daily [ because I would prefer to switch off rather than listen to commercial radio ] I assume that presenters have been pressured to dumb down , because the ABC is constantly attacked for supposed elitism and for being listened to or watched by only a small percentage of the population .

Many people would happily see all ABC funding discontinued as the shock jocks tell those people what they want to hear and reality TV makes them feel good .

Unfortunately , although there are still many excellent TV and radio programs on ABC , the trend towards dumbing down continues and it may eventually lead to such a standard of program that nobody intelligent will watch or listen .

Those who now watch or listen to commercial media will not transfer to the ABC and the politicians will be able to close it down . The money thus saved will be available to be spent on bringing international sporting contests [ particularly car races ] to Australia .

In defence of commercial TV , it presents some classic old movies which I prefer to watch rather than most ABC TV reality programs , like cooking and lifestyle shows .
Posted by jaylex, Friday, 12 August 2011 9:37:06 AM
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Doesn't Radio National have Phillip Adams?

If so, only an idiot could listen to it.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 12 August 2011 9:38:07 AM
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Philip Adams has two faults. One is he supports Kevin Rudd. The other is that he tends to interrupt. But despite those two things, he's a national treasure.
Posted by popnperish, Friday, 12 August 2011 9:45:31 AM
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Naa… ”Aunty” will live forever, she’s too available for “Government of the day” propaganda.
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 12 August 2011 10:32:03 AM
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