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Selling off our common wealth

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So Joe Hockey says we need to sell off more public assets because the government is broke.

A few questions.
What assets? Is there anything valuable left to sell?
Australia Post, The ABC, the National parks, Centrelink?
They were going to sell off the NBN when it was finished but I doubt it will be worth much by the time the cons have finished gutting it.
So what exactly is Mr hockey proposing to sell?

Can anyone point to a single successful, and not just for the shareholders, instance of privatisation? Just one.
Considering that privatisation is sold as increasing efficiency, choice, competition and therefore prices and service. Can anyone find a single instance of privatisation that delivered these outcomes? Anywhere.

Am I the only one getting a bit sick of hokey and all his yap.
All he ever does is talk doom and gloom and the sky is falling, its a disaster, its a catastrophe, people need to fend for themselves, Labor this Labor that blah blah blah.
When is he going to shut up and actually do something?
Posted by mikk, Friday, 7 February 2014 4:14:48 PM
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mikk google Agenda 21.This is Govt policy to sell off everything and make owning assets such as land impossible. Why is housing so expensive in a country of so much land and so few people ?
Posted by Arjay, Saturday, 8 February 2014 7:35:57 AM
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For Hockey, Abbott and the rest of the Coalition, it is all about increasing the government coffers. That is; the money supply side.

They don’t give a thought to the demand side. They’ve got no qualms at all about letting the demand for the expenditure of public money go on forever increasing, and very rapidly so.

We need to reduce immigration right down to about net zero and head towards a stable population, so that the increase in the demand for new and upgraded infrastructure and services and everything else that out taxes pay for can be greatly reduced.

It is simply insane in a time of a highly stressed Federal government fiscal environment for the government to fail to address the demand side of the equation!

The day we get a government that sees the merit in skittling our absurdly high immigration intake and embracing a stable-population sustainable-society ethic is the day that we will have some hope of meaningfully addressing Hockey’s concerns.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 8 February 2014 7:45:54 AM
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Every thing governments ever sold cost us far more to buy now.
Sickens me to know Government Ministers, on all sides now own shares in the things they sold.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 8 February 2014 10:36:10 AM
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Idiot politicians sold the Commonwealth bank look at it now.

That one is proof that it can be wrong.

Electricity used to be State Government owned look how much your electricity is now, so much for privatization.
Posted by Philip S, Saturday, 8 February 2014 11:58:49 AM
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Oh yes please, if we can find someone stupid enough to buy the ABC lets grab any money we can, & run like hell, before they come to their senses.

I think our Labor mates must have a bit of a memory problem. Surely even they can remember when it cost dollars a minute to call interstate, & overseas calls were only for companies & millionaires.

The privatized Telecom has less than 45% of the staff it once had, does a better job, & calls are so much cheaper it is ridiculous.

I'm not all that sure this is a good thing. Under the old cost structure, overseas call centers were impossible.

Surely Queenslanders will remember when old Joh pulled the electrical unions back to reality. Without his action the electricity would have had to be privatized to get prices down, & the power reliable. It was only the threat of privatisation that sorted that lot out.

Agreed some things like the Commonwealth bank, some state banks, the Government insurance organisation & a few others like roads & bridges should have been retained, if just to keep a lid on charges by the private companies, but many things suffered too much from empire building when controlled by public servants & their unions.
Posted by Hasbeen, Saturday, 8 February 2014 12:13:06 PM
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