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The Forum > Article Comments > Tony Abbott: not a serious man > Comments

Tony Abbott: not a serious man : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 22/2/2010

It doesn’t take genius to see Abbott’s modus operandi. He makes far-out statements in the hope that some mud will stick.

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Great satire! I thought the author was serious until I read the 'about the author' bit at the bottom where it says that the author taught creative writing. This is indeed a masterpiece of creative writing, creative thinking and astonishing non-sequiturs. Roald Dahl would be proud.
Posted by Nigel from Jerrabomberra, Monday, 22 February 2010 10:33:49 AM
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The main thrust of this article basically boils down to this:

1) Tony Abbott was a member of the Howard Government
2) The Howard Government supported the war on Iraq
3) Therefore, Abbott has no right to criticize the current government for causing losses of life.

Unfortunately, this is what passes as reasoned analysis in nearly all of our arts faculties.
Posted by AJFA, Monday, 22 February 2010 11:09:30 AM
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What a spiteful woman Jennifer seems to be. I suppose she thinks Peter Garrett should be applauded for his total incompetence.
Posted by runner, Monday, 22 February 2010 11:20:39 AM
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TA loves the blame game.Never accept responsibility, for anything.. Don't propose a solution, blame someone.
His studious lack of ideas of any substance seems to be a substitute for policy.
I get the impression that he is not unintelligent, but he seems dedicated to portraying himself as a cretin.
Perhaps he has research that indicates holding such a profile will win government.
Posted by ocm, Monday, 22 February 2010 12:39:18 PM
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If there is any cretin here, it's the author of this bit of rubbish. The electioneering appears to have started.

She's a very bad advertisement for academia.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 22 February 2010 1:08:07 PM
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Steady on folks ! Dr Wilson is simply expressing an opinion...she's not committing a crime or a mortal sin here!

Interesting she quotes Obama twice to support her case. That's like the Christian evangelists who quote the Bible to prove their particular case. Pointless because that sort of thing only works if your audience is already on your side in the first place!

Tony Abbott is certainly not a usual politician. He is a street fighter and that maximises his chances of success as opposition leader. And it will do us all a lot of good, including Dr Wilson, if the Rudd government is, at last, being put under pressure. Governments without effective oppositions always go bad.

I rate Tony Abbott highly. It's some of the people on his front bench that worry me.
Posted by huonian, Monday, 22 February 2010 7:18:22 PM
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