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Abbott on Boat people

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Did Tony Abbott truly say he would have some boat people turned back to sea if he lead us?
Just what if true would that look like to the world?
Far worse than Howard's system, maybe even bringing death to some refugees, surely he did not say this?
Todays polls in my view are not yet against the bloke, people my age seem willing to believe him, but that will change if he continues to shoot from the lip.
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 2 January 2010 1:05:34 PM
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I share your concerns Belly. What he is reported to have said doesn't sound good at all. However, as I'm travelling around at the moment and not really able to research the full context, I'd want be careful about just what he did say and what context it was said within.
Posted by Ludwig, Saturday, 2 January 2010 2:01:24 PM
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don't forget that many deaths have already occurred due to Mr Rudd's trying to act tough and kind policy. The disincentive to get on leaky boats would quite likely save more lives than those that have been lost under our current incompetent Government.
Posted by runner, Saturday, 2 January 2010 2:41:31 PM
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Runner, please consider, you are no recommendation for the Christian faith.
In fact we are talking about people already in boats and in Australian territorial waters.
In no other place could our government turn them back legally.
You could be condemning them to die at sea, and some of them would in fact be Christians.
Ludwig sorry to say he was quoted and in fact said it.
In my first post I spoke about older people considering giving him a go.
I never could his form is well known, but my in box is increasingly full of Christian extremism, environmental extremism, and such I will never know why, but some has the e mails full history and hundreds are sending this junk around.
Abbott is fundamentally wrong, to his party and his country, in trying to buy votes he already has, with such extremist rubbish.
Our country it is said has taken in 2700 refuges in the last 12 months, those who would take less or none surely would not send them to die?
Posted by Belly, Saturday, 2 January 2010 6:00:29 PM
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I think abott should be renamed

*Captain Plastic*

instead of

*Captain Catholic*
Posted by DreamOn, Saturday, 2 January 2010 7:45:23 PM
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Dear Belly,

The guy's an idiot.

Words of wisdom don't fall out of his mouth.
He espouses whatever he thinks is going to
be "popular." In this case - pandering to
people's fears to win votes. Perhaps he and
Pauline Hanson are related?

His remarks have the potential of doing
this country a great deal of harm
internationally. They reek of the "bad
old days," when fear was the order of
the day - of people who were "different."

His words are playing on those same fears -
ignoring the fact that in most cases the
"boat people," have turned out to be genuine

But, let him continue to speak. He only proves
the old adage to be true:

"It's better to let people think you're a fool,
then to speak and confirm it."
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 2 January 2010 8:00:14 PM
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