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Solidarity with refugees in Australian prisons : Comments

By Claire Parfitt, published 27/6/2011

Why does the Australian Government spend so much money and time criminalising people who come to Australia to escape persecution and poverty?

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My problem with any refugee/immigration/population increase is at what stage do we say we cannot take anymore?

So what is the limit that we can cope with 10, 100000, 1 million a year.

That is if we have an open door policy then we may have to build a new Sydney every year.

Our infrastructure is not coping with our existing population, just look at traffic congestion or hospital waiting lists.

Every additional refuge/immigrant/birth is making the situation worse.
Posted by PeterA, Monday, 27 June 2011 9:25:49 AM
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Claire Parfaitt:

We are witnessing the resurgence of a movement, led by detainees and supported by many in the Australian community.

Amendment: Delete "many" insert "a few."

During the disturbances some of the buildings caught fire.

"Yep. It was a miracle, there we were on the roof & suddenly the building spontainiously combusted." ?.?.?.

Basic amenities like showers, toothbrushes and toilet paper, were denied.

Lie. Each cell has it's own hygine facilities.

the federal government increased its border protection budget from $654 million to $1.2 billion.

Money being wasted on illegal immigrants when that money could be spent on improving Australian Health Care or Road infrastructure.

Why does the Australian Government spend so much money and time criminalising people who come to Australia to escape persecution and poverty, while facilitating entry for hundreds of thousands of people on skilled migrant, working holiday, temporary work and student visas?

The difference between illegal & legal. It's not rocket science.

Immigration control enables the government to demonise asylum seekers and mark them out as scapegoats for its own failures to meet the needs of Australian residents frustrated by failing health, education and social welfare systems.

You have answered your own question.

Fifty refugee activists travelled to Curtin to visit the centre, but were refused entry.

Naturally. Personally I'd have made you sign a release to say that you would stay with the detainees untill they were released. Then let you in. ;-)

hundreds of activists in Melbourne and Sydney converged on Villawood and Maribyrnong,

Not many considering. A ragtag group of misfits.

Thirty protestors stormed a university lecture to interrupt a speech by Chris Bowen last week

Extremely bad manners. but can be expected from a group of badly behaved misfits.

The burgeoning refugee rights movement in Australia today shows that the Australian community is again acknowledging that it has more in common with the people who come here struggling for a better life than we do with the powers that paint us as enemies.

I agree. These people have come to australia illegally therefore are criminals. et tu
Posted by Jayb, Monday, 27 June 2011 9:29:34 AM
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Wow! Claire must be a magician.

Anyone who can find a "burgeoning refugee rights movement in Australia" must have the skills of a Harry Potter, or the imagination of his creator.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 27 June 2011 9:37:42 AM
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During the disturbances some of the buildings caught fire.

I think you mean.

During the disturbances some of the buildings were set on fire.

How much longer do we have to put up with these lies and spin?
Posted by ozzie, Monday, 27 June 2011 9:44:32 AM
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O Dear,
Another silly greenie sheila that lives in the garden with the fairies, and maybe smokes stuff as well.

In short, sweetie. The reason we dislike the 'illegals' so much is because they are illegal. It is against our law to enter Aus without a visa, even the UNHCR says refugees must obey a countries laws.

It is because they are illegal that we can detain them. We do not detain those entering legally. They are shonks and con artists who get here by deceit and bribery. In short gate crashers.
Posted by Banjo, Monday, 27 June 2011 10:20:02 AM
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Australian rules and laws are founded on christian values and apply to all Australian people whether they are a christian, an agnostic or an athiest.
Most of the refugees arriving on our shores are muslems and have entirely different views and ethics than ours.
The muslem peoply in Australia are attempting to have our laws changed to muslem law or at least have it included in with our laws.
I find this offensive to the people of Australia. If they come to our country they should be compelled to adapt to our customs and laws, NOT attempt to bring their customs and laws to force onto us the people of Australia.
Muslem Sharia law threatens all none muslems. Muslems beleive their desiny is to rule the world and they beleive in death to the us the infidels who do not follow their muslem beleifs or gods.
I have extreme concerns of muslem mass immagration into christian countries especially at the rate they are doing it. They will soon overtake the people in the christian countries. When they do this will they revolt and take those and our country?
If they do will they exterminate all non muslems?
Many of their imams incite the muslem people to condemn our values and cultures.
Are the muslem refugees using the tactics Japan used prior to entering world war2?
Japan infiltrated many South Pacific countries with their military forces and when they declared war they took those countries in a very short time.
For the minority few who welcome the muslem refugees the majority of Australians are against them coming to our country.
Posted by gypsy, Monday, 27 June 2011 10:39:28 AM
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