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The guiding light of global policy : Comments
By Ioan Voicu, published 3/2/2017Strengthening international solidarity is a crucial task for promoting universal peace.
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Posted by david f, Friday, 3 February 2017 9:21:27 AM
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The word 'globalisation' makes me shudder. So does 'solidarity', which invokes Greece, world communism and all that nasty Left stuff. Throw in 'the UN Human Rights Council', and the game is up. It all leads to 'relativism' and the desire for control expressed by the Militant Secularists and, for heavens sake, 'world citizenship', which is code for One World Government as per the departed and unlamented extreme Left poltician, Bob Brown.
We need this stuff like we need a hole in the head! The Judeo-Chistian culture, the bedrock of the West and the system that has made us great, is under threat from Radical Islam and the Militant Secularists – those termites who have taken control of our education system and who have access to our children five days a week. Islam is seeking to harm us through immigration and breeding in aid of its World Caliphate. There is nothing “artificial” about our borders. We must ignore the likes of this author, and repair the real and legal borders we, ourselves, have allowed to fall down. Posted by ttbn, Friday, 3 February 2017 9:31:49 AM
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You think most folk regardless of their political persuasion or ethnicity, would get that we achieve far more,more productively via universal cooperation? Almost as if we were one race, (the human race) living on just one (threatened) planet and sharing shrinking finite resources!
If we could just sidelined the money hungry (don't give a rat's speculators, despots, tinpot tyrants) and then concentrate via cooperative endeavor, to power the planet with clean, safe, cheap power. (Thorium?) s Which we have enough of to power the entire planet for thousand of years! Then with lights and washing machines etc, in every home? Set about ensuring safe clean potable water! And doable utilizing new, extremely cost effective deionizing dialysis desalination and made vastly more cost effective with clean cheap safe energy! When we finally stop parking our brains and compassion, we'll invariably get to understand, when the least among us are better off, everybody is! I mean Look what happened when millions were lifted from poverty in Asia! So, given the benefit us all outcome! Why stop or allow others to stop essential economic progress? Moreover, it is the only evidence based, proven method of ever controlling, runaway population growth! The alternative? Massive assured self destruction! And not necessarily with a nuclear winter, when the carbon bomb is proving more dangerous and potentially more destructive for the entire planet and life as we know and understand it! Alan B. Posted by Alan B., Friday, 3 February 2017 11:13:08 AM
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Speaking of "termites" who supposedly control our education system, and the education system in the USA (that supposedly most "religious" of Western countries) why not check out an essay titled Betsy Devos's Mudsill View of Public Education featured on this website: Betsy Devos and her brother Eric Prince are of course "religious" zealots of the worst kind. Also check out the topic DeVos and the Hillsdale College Connection Note the references to the Christian based Accelerated Learning "Education" system in the above essay. It is quite popular with some back-to-the-past Christians here in Australia, especially in Queensland Meanwhile Jerry Falwell from Liberty "University" is going to conduct a review of the entire USA "education" system. His "university" and what it teaches is also muchly featured in the above essay. The plot thickens, or more correctly sickens. Posted by Daffy Duck, Friday, 3 February 2017 11:23:03 AM
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A pig in silk? A monkey in silk?
What do they call it when you have a big steaming pile of crap all dressed up nicely to appear to be something it isn't? Whatever that is, thats what this is. And mass of contradictions in a 'baffle em with bs' format that's dressed up nice. "...those who either suffer or benefit least deserve help from those who benefit most." So what you're essentially talking about is levelling the playing field. This might sound good on paper, but for those 'better off' countries the responsibilities you place on them forces them to take away from their people in their own nations who suffer or benefit least. In this sense the globalism you're advocating doesnt really provide any more actual benefits to a 'better off' country such as ours anymore than it represents a race to the bottom between all 'better off' nations, or a march towards a chinese communist styled world run by corporate fascists. Xi Jinping at Davos? What hes going to save us all by having us all work for a dollar a day? Then you bring democracy into it. "it was reminded that achieving sustainable peace required a 'democratic'..." If I go over and look at the 2017 Global Risks report first thing it does is talk about the election of populist leaders as a bad thing. It reminds me of Erdogan's attitude when he once compared democracy to a tram: "You ride it until you arrive at your destination, then you step off." You talk about democracy like its a great thing and them show contempt for it when the result doesnt go your way, all whilst your real agenda is to steer us. [cont.] Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 February 2017 11:23:19 AM
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What you say: "In an ideal model, if it is based on equality, inclusion and social justice..." What it is: Lets just blend the muslims with the non-muslims and see how it works hey? We'll pull the fallout down to collateral damage and it might even provide some conflicts or benefits we can use to further our goals. In trying to implement this model you have our own leaders sell us out and support refugees, immigration, future global political aspirations, leftist agendas and protest movements and all the rest of it. You forcing it on us, and it's causing issues in our own countries. Then you mention the speech of UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres but it's almost contemptuous because none of you are going to listen to our objections. Therefore, more attention must be paid to the UN strong appeals addressed to all citizens of the world to advance . You talk about 'moral responsibility', 'universal responsibility', 'global duties', 'a day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements', 'solidarity as a global family' etc, etc and it all stinks. The ONLY obligation a government should have is an obligation to it's own people. You also talk about the 8 people in the world owning half the world wealth, go hit them up for money to fix the worlds problems, (after all they caused most of them) and tell them to stop with the emotional blackmail, propaganda and of making us pay for their global government agendas and dreams of world power. Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 3 February 2017 11:24:50 AM
Five? I count six.