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‘People will die’ defence of lockdown is no longer enough : Comments

By Mirko Bagaric, published 9/9/2021

The cruching of rights and freedoms is a catastrophe. Victoria needs to learn to live with COVID.

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But, people will die! And those you Sir, would willingly bury in mass graves? Don't particularly want to die prematurely!

I get that you don't give a shite for that demographic!? It's more important to you that you get out and walk the dog? And have face to face conversations with the lady on the tram or train or on the beach?

As someone who was crippled in an industrial accident over 35 years ago. I have been isolated for 20 of those years! And therefore have no sympathy for your position.

For you, Sir and others who share your view? I say, suck it up princess there are worse things than being stuck at home bitching about how tough you, Sir, are doing it!?

If you need to have a go at someone for this outcome? Have a go at Morrison and the coalition. Who have stubbornly resisted rolling out, island quarantine! Properly managed island quarantine would have kept this pandemic out of mainland Australia and would have meant, we would not need to shut down or destroy some livelihoods!

It has been said the cost of each covid infection has cost the taxpayer 25 million per covid!

That's wrong. 25 million per case is the cost of the most rank incompetence and complacency at the helm!

As for a bill of rights? I agree is way overdue, but like island quarantine, stubbornly resisted by the, so-called ruling class! Who would die in a ditch before allowing it to pass into law!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 9 September 2021 12:30:53 PM
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Well here's an ugly truth you need to wake up to.
Victorians are still in lockdown, because Victorians are still spreading covid.
Do you get that, moron?

"This is why Dan Andrews is now conditioning Victorians to living with Covid – he has no political choice."

No, he had no choice because you horrible Victorians wouldn't listen and keep spreading it.

I bet if Scomo came out tomorrow and said "Well, looks like we've got no choice, we're going to have to cleanse Victoria by fire", and ordered the RAAF Super Hornets loaded with napalm to start dropping on you lot, you'd quickly learn he's not messing around and obey the restrictions and stop spreading it.

I wonder how many lives would be saved then?

You want the 'Let's infect everyone' model.
Are you trying to deliberately murder my parents?
- Well I don't care what you want, just keep your filthy delta out of my state.

And stop complaining about a situation you created for yourselves.
Do something about it, or shut up.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Thursday, 9 September 2021 3:13:46 PM
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Alan B and Armchair, give me a break! You two want me to hide under my bed and do as some two bob fascists want? We are fast approaching many thousands of protesters on the streets of Melbourne, more than Vicpol can handle. I have seen Vicpol ten handed all with guns, batons and tear gas but nary a brain or any guts between them. Last big demo against vaccs and they shepherded the protest without trying to stop it. They them ambushed the stragglers going home, typical! no brains, no guts.
You two can slide under your respective beds, sucking your thumbs and cry yourselves to sleep!
Covid will make monkeys of all our politicians and go through the population and a few old people will die, sad but there you are. Stop saying we deserve this nonsense or that we agree with it, I don't!
Posted by JBowyer, Thursday, 9 September 2021 9:00:57 PM
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Well I didn't vote Dan or Gladys in, you lot did.
And I didn't spread Covid around, you lot did.

I just want the people of NSW and Victoria to stop spreading Covid.
It's really simple, but you lot don't care anymore.

You're going to destroy the entire country, including my state, friends, family, and somehow you want my sympathy?

You lot selfishly put your own interests first and didn't obey restrictions or care how it might affect others that got us to this point, now both southern leaders throw their hands in the air, and decide 'Let's all just live with Covid now instead'
Even ScoMo as well.

If that's the position then what was the point of ANY OF US TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING?
All the people who did the wrong thing, are spitting in the faces of those who did the right thing, and are now saying 'enjoy'.

Do you really expect me to put your best interests ahead of my own and the other people I care about?

Do you want me to say "I'm sorry for being selfish JBowyer, I don't mind if my friends and family and entire state is turned into a pile of crap like yours, go ahead do whatever you like just as long as your happy?"

When delta does get into my state, you can bet you southerners will be universally hated for the next decade.

Be angry at Scomo, be angry at Dan or Gladys, be angry at your fellow state citizens, but don't be angry at me, I'm entitled to have an opinion, and you southern lot wishing to export your hellhole deserves every bit of criticism.

When it comes to covid, sharing is definitely not caring.

And don't be thinking of packing the car to move up here the first chance you get, we don't want you that's why we lock you out.
You lot made your bed now sleep in it.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Friday, 10 September 2021 7:20:27 AM
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Hi Mirko, Great opening up of the issue. I would also add that, due to the overall effects of climate change we need to get used to having ICU's overwhelmed and people, mostly older but even children, dying. We need to develop both a compassion and a resilience for this as a society. The current approach that has people angry with each other will only worsen the nos of deaths going forward. The challenge I put to all people, are you putting in the effort to being able to work with everyone else when the time comes to solving the disruption to your community? Or will you just continue to harp from the sidelines at other people until the stress of your negligence leads to violence and retributions? BTW California (40million people) opened up when its vaccination rate was 23% and it had enough vaccine for everyone and they had enough hospital beds for predicted illness rates. The vaccination rate is now 67% and rising. Given agency back to people works.
Posted by Owen59, Monday, 13 September 2021 7:31:20 PM
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I think it is certain that the delta COVID variant will get into all States of Australia, sooner rather than later. I am not wanting that, but I think given the way delta spreads it will eventually breach all borders. Then QLD and WA in particular will have to bring in local restrictions, and they may have to open their borders. On the upside, this would give a huge boost to their local tourism businesses which depend heavily on Victorians and NSWegians.

I agree with most of the main article, and I think the majority of Melburnians would also. Premier Andrews might get a shock at the 2022 State election given the amount of pent-up anger amongst his generally obedient flock.
Posted by MESSMATE, Monday, 13 September 2021 11:05:24 PM
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