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The Forum > Article Comments > When it comes to spending cuts, start from the top > Comments

When it comes to spending cuts, start from the top : Comments

By Sukrit Sabhlok, published 14/7/2016

In the short-term, it may be better to stop wasting time and money chasing after dole recipients and let them keep their benefits.

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It is nonsense to say that welfare and dole rorters should be allowed to keep their ill-gotten gains; it is even sillier to suggest that politicians are going to cut their own wages. The cuts have to start with the total removal of money handed out to climate change frauds and rent-seekers in the doolally renewable energy rackets, followed closely by foreign aid, high immigration, and providing for useless, fraudulent 'refugees'. Stupid 'deradicalisation' programs are also on the list, as is membership of the world dictatorship, the United Nations. There are thousands of useless, Nanby-pamby things, which have no benefit for Australia, that could be cut immediately.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 14 July 2016 10:19:10 AM
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I can agree with most of this. And it does seem counter intuitive spending millions chasing thousands and thousands chasing millions?

As for your remarks on the need for tax reform I also agree and direct your to Graham's blog on the pamphlet saga' And Alan B. Goulding's contribution; as somewhat off topic, but specific to possible tax reform?

And given the deputy P.M. and National Party Leader is also a CPA, and as have many party members and officials, has many friends inside the industry?

Good luck with any part of that Mr Goulding or that trickle down economics will miraculously; be more successful here than in britain or the self evident home of crony capitalism, pre Great Depression America?

The answer my friends is blowing in the wind or cast as pearls before swine? Simply put, no one with the power to implement real change we can all believe in is listening? And just focusing on shoring up position, privilege and the "ENTITLEMENTS" of office?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Thursday, 14 July 2016 11:15:48 AM
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Only someone who's math never went past primary school could write such a fool article.

While I am sure there are a few millions of waste that could be cut from expenditure in parliament house, & indeed in Canberra, this is just pocket money compared to the billions wasted on welfare cheats, unwanted immigrants, & academia.

It is unfortunately typical that the type of people who study political so called science, & the humanities that combined they could not make change for a bus ticket. This leads to a class that often have more say than most, who have no idea of the effect of their whish list of policies.

I do worry for my grand kids future with these fools from cloud cuckoo land calling the shots.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 14 July 2016 11:53:59 AM
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You were doing OK until you mentioned "climate change"

Then you lost me...
Posted by Aspley, Thursday, 14 July 2016 5:01:41 PM
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If anthropogenic climate change is happening at all, then every human alive is 'contributing' to it, merely by breathing. Stop government grants to corporations if you like; but if you want to apply criteria, let it be their usefulness and the long-term value of their work, not their willingness to comply with the dogmas of the newest and most intolerant religion.
Posted by Jon J, Friday, 15 July 2016 7:05:29 AM
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Innovation and jobs.
Posted by doog, Friday, 15 July 2016 8:11:06 AM
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