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Carbon delusions and defective models : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 11/4/2016

The models fail to explain Earth's long history of changing climates and ignore the powerful role of interacting cycles in the solar system.

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The only delusionary modeling I've seen in reference to climate modeling is contained in the vested interest and cherry picked article? And although factual, lines up facts like any good conformation bias factual cherry picker.

Ignored as historical event is history and a paleontological record which shows a period of around 90 million years ago, when according to that record, nearly all life on planet earth was exterminated.

And as a result of increased volcanic activity, that increased Co2 in our atmosphere and given the greenhouse effect and subsequent warming to an additional 2C, also melted the tundra releasing millions of tons of methane, which together with the additional Co2, pushed average ambient temperatures to above 5C, which seems was enough to create storm and tempest to the point of extinguishing nearly all life.

Co2 is now at hitherto unknown record levels.

The british isles was a barren salt laden barren wasteland, regularly swept by howling winds that regularly exceed 300 kilometres per hour, where plant life was all but eliminated.

We all need absolutely essential plant life, to create the very oxygen we breathe, feed the herbivores that are the food source of all carnivorous animals up the food chain.

Recent event in our northern climes demonstrate, if grasslands are inundated for a long period by flooding rain, it can take many months for those essential grasslands to recover. Yes there are cyclical events such as the solar furnace warming and cooling, waxing and waning.

And the sun has been in waning phase since around the mid seventies.(NASA)

And not what you'd expect in the face of record breaking heat waves!

Simply put, we have multiple choices of much cheaper carbon free energy, which would allow us to massively outperform all the old economies still welded to carbon producing energy and the enduring obfuscating vested interest that stand to lose their shirts if we change away from their preferred fossil fuel cash builder!
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 11 April 2016 10:40:18 AM
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Viv if you had something to contribute to the scientific understanding and modeling of the climate, you would be writing a paper in a science journal. Maybe I've missed it please give us a link to it.

But what I really think Rhrosty has already, your article is full of misrepresentations and statement that have been demonstrated repeatedly to be wrong.
Viv you should consider becoming an economist, it is an area were you can be wrong most of the time and still make a living.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 11 April 2016 10:48:43 AM
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Where do they find these people,its going to be embarrassing when they have to apologize and admit they were conned or received cash from US billionaires through shell company's,spivs like Monkton and sundry vested interests.
Posted by John Ryan, Monday, 11 April 2016 10:54:48 AM
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A stupendous, awesomely super, article Viv Forbes.

May the force of hydrocarbons, solar + batteries, but not wind power be with you.

Posted by plantagenet, Monday, 11 April 2016 11:03:19 AM
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Viv, what you state has been known for many years. The serious question is why so many politicians acquiesce in policies which will have no discernible impact on climate but have caused, and will cause, serious economic damage which reduces our capacity to deal with whatever unknown future befalls. There seems to be collective madness on this issue, fostered by those whose imperatives are the imposition of far-left policies and who have found climate scaring a wonderful vehicle for their political ascension.
Posted by Faustino, Monday, 11 April 2016 11:26:17 AM
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"Twilight of the Climate Change Movement"

Interesting new post up this morning.

And this chart shows how interest has been fading in the media, including blogs and twitter, in the English speaking media, since the peak was reached during at the "Copenhagen Conference of the Parties" : The chart is updated daily. (however, caution is needed because sometimes some data sources change or are truncated.)
Posted by Peter Lang, Monday, 11 April 2016 11:29:37 AM
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