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The Taming of the Shrew

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Julia Gillard has fallen in the trap of spin over substance. When treasury starts putting inflated revenue figures into the budget projections, the treasury moves from a government function to a political instrument. While the mining tax agreement was a victory for JG, the deliberate misrepresentation of the figures has damaged her credibility.

Combined with the East Timor off shore processing debacle where she announced the policy after a brief phone call to their president, before he could even discuss it with his government, was not only a further dent in her credibility, a huge diplomatic blunder to boot.

The huge backlash she is facing from not only the opposition, but within her own party, means that the free hand she had to implement change is sharply being withdrawn.

Bringing down Rudd was much easier than wearing his shoes.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 8 July 2010 11:03:40 AM
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"Bringing down Rudd was much easier than walking in his shoes."

Superbly put, Shadow Minister.
It is mind-boggling, isn't it, that someone who is held to be so politically astute could act in so dense a fashion. I find it unbelievable that Julia Gillard and her minions announced Labor's "Offshore Processing" initiative without detailed discussion and agreement with the East Timorese government.

Mind you, it was interesting to read Alexander Downer's remarks in the Australian relating to the Howard Government's adventures in outsourcing the detention of refugees. He states: "We tried Singapore, we tried Fiji, we tried East Timor - we succeeded in the end with Nauru. We thought about the Solomon Islands - Initially, Mr Ramos Horta's response was encouraging - it wouldn't have cost them a cent." was odious policy then - and it's odious policy now.
Posted by Poirot, Thursday, 8 July 2010 5:49:53 PM
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I so badly want Julia to be good PM.

But she’s suddenly looking very wobbly!
Posted by Ludwig, Thursday, 8 July 2010 10:59:52 PM
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So she is a shrew now?
Was it not you SM who took to me for calling Abbott Rabbott?
Gillard did nothing wrong in talking first to the man ET,s Prime Minster put in charge of negotiations.
Let us leave the spin, near bald faced lies a side here.
Abbott the Rabbott knows JG is doing very near what he has asked for, not unlike Howard's policy.
He also knows Gillard will get her deal if not from ET it will happen.
If not this plan what about Abbott's? do you think he believes he can send boats back? or will those on board scuttle them?
No papers no entry, do ANY OF US not know they destroy papers so they can not be sent back?
Ludwig she will get her plans in place, stopping most boats.
Shadow Minister you will eat your words post election spin such as your post is straight out of the Liberal failure to think tank, do you think it can win one swinging voter.
It feeds only conservative voters repels others.
Posted by Belly, Friday, 9 July 2010 3:45:48 AM
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The taming of the shrew is a Shakespearian play about a headstrong and obdurate woman who by psychological torment is made compliant. Her red hair and large conk was simply too easy to draw a double meaning.

Try engaging with what I said rather than blustering.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 9 July 2010 6:41:35 AM
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Nice Title SM.....

Oh I can feel the honeymoon ending.....

another stuff up with ET

and the green loan scandal about to blow

tax payers are saying why?



are these idiots playing fact and loose with our money?

doubtless references to Shakespeare would have gone high over some heads here....

the cultured might recall the Taylor/Burton offering of the same Title as a memorable flick.
Posted by Stern, Friday, 9 July 2010 7:31:45 AM
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