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Sport and sex scandals

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Yes we are all shakeing our heads how could they do that?
Well another side exists to this story, why do we not have headlines about bands or stars who have done very much the same for years?
Let us be clear, its wrong but not in any way unusual, humans have had group sex for hundreds of years.
And willing participants have sometimes wanted to undo their actions after.
Well maybe its only wrong for some?
NRL a very old game, a working class game with working class values.
Nearly 40 years ago I remember after a game girls trying to force their way into dressing sheds after a game.
Oh yes some made it, most players did leave but not all.
Not girls known to player just what we would call groupies now.
The ABC story was old news re hashed news and biased, if one outcome is an improvement in behavior from both sides in these matters we will all be better for it.
And just maybe medea hunting headlines like this will not be rewarded, I await medea watch in hope truth will survive in the ABC.
Posted by Belly, Thursday, 14 May 2009 5:34:13 AM
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Step right up! Step right up!

A voyeuristic feast awaits!

In the guise of journalism, your national broadcaster has opened the doors to the private sex life of our working class heros.

Be tittilated by the stories of group sex!
Share the anguish and shame of a sexually assertive woman!
Take thrill in the judgement of 'the woman'!
Take thrill in the judgement of our hero!
Rejoice in the cutting down of a tall poppy!
Sneer at the lower classes while exposing their 'heroes'!
Delight in the exhibition of a mans life unravelling!
Join in the gender politics battle, and marvel at the PR strategies, and the race to claim victim status.
Side with 'the woman', or side with the poor man who's done 'nothing illegal'.
Be first to knowingly quote 'education is the key', 'misogynistic culture'!

Use your prejudice to the full in deciphering the stories available to create that crystal clear picture in your mind of what you KNOW happened!
Posted by Houellebecq, Thursday, 14 May 2009 9:06:41 AM
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Belly: "its wrong"

Why? I've yet to hear anyone give a clear explanation of what is actually wrong, if all participants are willing at the time. If they're not, it's assault or rape and that's not being claimed.

Belly: "The ABC story was old news re hashed news"

Yes it was, which makes one wonder what the real motive was for running it in the same week as the release of the Budget... Does anyone know what the budget contained, BTW?

There is also the issue of the pain caused to Johns's wife, Trish, who has not had the benefit of the anonymity afforded to the actual willing participant who was turning on the crocodile tears. Where was ABC reported Sarah Ferguson's concern about the pain and suffering she would endure once this was aired? Let's not forget she is an entirely innocent party in all of this, unlike the woman who willingly spread her legs for the team.

While I'm sure that Clare's life has not been as she might have dreamt it as a child, I'm equally sure that one incident wasn't the cause if she was, at 19, putting herself into these sorts of situations. As Trish Johns said, I'm glad it wasn't my daughter.

The fact that some young men were willing to take advantage of her availability is hardly worthy of crucifiction, distasteful as the whole affair is.
Posted by Antiseptic, Thursday, 14 May 2009 9:13:07 AM
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The saddest thing I have heard about these things is the reaction of the NRL in 'education' and announcing they will have sex education seminars for players. I didn't realise that grown men had to be taught how to not have group sex or why fans might get upset by it. Maybe they also get taught why banging your best mates wife might upset him as well? Don't any of these guys have parents?
Posted by Bugsy, Thursday, 14 May 2009 9:22:05 AM
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I'll probably surprise some people by saying that I think that the 4 Corners program is an appalling descent into tabloid-style journalism, although I'd suspect that they're chasing ratings rather than attempting to deflect attention from the Budget.

On the basis of the information presented, there is no suggestion that laws have been broken. However, as Bugsy suggests, clearly there are problems within the Rugby League subculture around attitudes by more than a few players, coaches, officials and fans concerning sex, alcohol, violence and self-control. It is somewhat heartening that the NRL is taking steps to address this unfortunate subculture.

However, given that all of the cases featured in the program involved consenting adults engaged in legal activities, I think that the targeting of a couple of prominent players from among the many who apparently engage in this kind of behaviour is unwarranted - particularly in light of the consequences to their professional and private lives.

I wouldn't want my son (or daughters) to behave like a Thugby League player or groupie, but as Bugsy also suggests, none of them would. They've been better brought up than that.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Thursday, 14 May 2009 10:08:42 AM
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million dollar/sponcerships/bonus sceme's is hardly working-class

when human pigs get elivated to god like/status..of course the swine will revert to their swine behaviours

the system, keyed to protect the intrests of the elites..[to claim a beat up of..'poor' pathetic]..sure the system sets up distractions..but this issue must not be glossed over

getting raped is hard enough ..but then the system rapes you at a minimum of 3 more times..[first the cops grill you to test you..[then pre-trial the lawyer rapes you..[then at the real hearing the barrester rapes you while the the dress gets their jollies]

wont get into how the media rapes us..[or the sports-club gets their bit in,..or the free acces to their own programs,..makes these faulse gods the dddikkk-heads..they clearly are,...booze dont rate a mention..[despite the booze merchants getting their bit in as well]

TO WHOM MUCH IS GIVEN MUCH IS EXPECTED..get it these faulse gods have the same rules as us...PLUS EXPECTED..RULES OF BEHAVIOUR..only to be reasonable expected from those who are the egsamples..[peers]..for our young

one in four woman is raped..[just raising the rape all over again]..yes its easy to be macho..[but lets see how you react when its your wife or daughter]..wake up to yourselves..just because the media suports police shows dosnt make crime legal

these faulse gods directly led to the fall of rome..[while the gladiators slaughtered each other the money-changers killed ceaser..[for the same reason the money-changers murdered jfk..[for signing pores order 11,110]..and yes jfk was a pants man too

but this issue isnt about a man getting his wick wet..[it'a about woman accepting men doing the vile they do via peer presure,regretfully channel 9 gave the faulse/god airtime,..allows his fellow..[bed mates] gloss over the real facts..[its not a case of res-erecting the past but why it took so long to be revealed]

about time the rest fessed up[they claim to be tough men[lol]..they are ignarnt savages..doing as swines/ears made silk purse..have allways done[cccrap in their own nest,stand on their own stools,..realise there is no hero that crushes their opponant into the dirt fighting over a pig-skin
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 14 May 2009 10:20:48 AM
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