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Queensland isn't just a COVID-19 election : Comments

By Graham Young, published 27/10/2020

Annastacia Palaszczuk has support for her COVID stance, but is still struggling to do better than last election. Much worse and Queensland will have a minority government.

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God, I give up trying to understand Queensland election outcomes.
They truly are their own Grandpa up there!

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 8:55:01 AM
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Queensland was great until Wayne Goss & his ignorant outfit wormed their way into Govt with the help of southern leftist do-gooders !
Of course the LNP dimwit who manipulated Joh out of office was as bad if not worse than Goss !
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 9:17:12 AM
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every Government that has supported heartless useless lockdowns and border closures should be thrown out. Unfortunately the stupidity of the masses has kicked in with many being stupid enough to think that masks and locksdowns have saved lives. And we continue to pay these 'experts'. The lnp has shown through cowardice that they are not qualified to lead despite being much better than the totally corrupt mob in power. What a sad bunch of leaders we have!
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 10:03:46 AM
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The campaign add I find most amusing is the Labor job add.

They are advertising that the LNP would sack 30000 Queenslanders. The idea is Queensland can't afford the loss of these jobs. These are obviously the extra public servants Labor have stacked the bureaucracy with during their term.

Of course by association this mean Labor believe we can afford the two & a quarter Billion dollars a year it takes to pay these excess bureaucrats.

I wonder what an extra 2&1/4 Billion annually would do for the health care system?
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 10:57:23 AM
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Hasbeen said- I wonder what an extra 2&1/4 Billion annually would do for the health care system?

Answer- With respect Hasbeen- then the 3000 Government Bureaucrats would just be working within the Health Care Bureaucracy. Many of them as part of Queensland Health.

I would like the health care system opened up to the private sector more- this could perhaps be achieved by reducing red tape- and open standards- similar to the IT industry. Currently leftists appear to be dominating major hospitals (and semi government institutions)- a more open strategy might make the industry a more balanced representation of the population.

I would also like to see health services using less labor intensive and costly processes by leveraging technology and managing the time of high value expertise and equipment (such as MRI Scanners) better
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 27 October 2020 11:27:58 AM
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Who knows many have already voted. And many LNP supporters support the way the Premier stood up to Canberra and those dim witts who wanted to let er rip Boris!

Before you vote, compare our outcome with those of the UK, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal and the mighty USA. And who got us there, Then look to Victora and a final second wave outcome of no cases and no deaths.

Had the Victorian Premier folded, as most of the hard-right, blabbermouth shock jocks and the conservative element wanted, the second wave would be followed by a third and a fourth. And folk terrified to leave their homes to go out and buy something?
Or just show up for work. That's not how you get the economy up and running

But rather, with rapid testing and those testing positive, marked with an indelible dye. Good for at least 2 weeks! So other folks can just give them and those wearing head cover/hoodies, etc, a very wide berth and storekeepers/doorkeepers can direct them to the exit. I mean, you cannot enter a bank wearing a full-face helmet or habjid?

And we need to see where drive-ins and drive-throughs can replace traditional shopping and entertainment/sporting venues

I wouldn't mind in the case of obstinate non-compliance, a cattle prod used to ensure it at all such uncover or exit point directives were complied with expeditiously/immediately!

People charged with that traffic control role, fully protected with PE, face masks and face shields! And spitters should be prodded repeatedly into a safe corner and held there until arrested, then charged with criminal assault!

Look, a healthy economy needs a healthy workforce. A healthy recovery needs healthy, non-contagious consumers, and a way to ensure the Asymptomatic super spreaders are isolated by whatever means that takes to ensure compliance.

The UK is having its second wave due to belligerent non-compliance and with only an 11% compliance rate!

Well done right-wing shock jocks and a clearly incompetent CONSERVATIVE (I'm alright jack) leadership, the like of who want to politicise a pandemic, and the devil take the hindmost!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 27 October 2020 11:37:58 AM
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