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Good Manners for both sexes
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Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 13 April 2010 5:20:41 PM
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Both sexes should place not only put the toilet seat down but the cover as well before flushing. For reasons of hygiene: "To limit the scope of the aerosol effect, the simplest method is to close the lid on the toilet every time before flushing . This would also provide the peace of mind that while you are washing your hands for 30 seconds, microscopic, bacteria-laden water droplet will not be descending upon your person." Excerpt from: End of argument. Posted by Severin, Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:20:40 AM
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Hi Belly. I've often commented on the apparent decline in civility in our society in recent times, and I think that manners are a symptom of it. However, I haven't really noticed that it's a gendered thing. Indeed, if anything, I probably encounter slightly more rude men in my daily life than women, but that may have something to do with lifestyle and work.
Why do you notice poor manners in women rather than men? Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:21:45 AM
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Ha Severin! We put the lid down in our house too, for the same reason. No arguments on that subject here either :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:25:38 AM
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Belly you will get no verbal bruising from me.
Manners are indeed on the decline but I don't think gender is an issue. We can all think of examples when both genders may appear rude. Like when you are in a large group and the men all make sure that the boys have their beer but forget to ask the female guests if they would like a drink (even if it is non-alchoholic). Not all men do this, I only bring it up as an example of where there may be different standards in some situations. Manners is also about graciousness and accepting the kind gesture of another whether it be opening a door or giving up a seat on a bus. I tend to give up my seat more than young males to older bus or train passengers (when I used to catch public transport). I think we all notice the rudeness more in the opposite sex and may fall into the trap of "..oh typical male/female" rather than thinking "bloody rude twit". :D Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 14 April 2010 11:53:40 AM
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Dear Belly,
So you see rude people? :-) Seriously though, I don't think it's a gender thing either. Good manners are based on consideration for other people. However, there are some cultural barriers that we may need to take into account as well. What's acceptable in one culture may be quite rude in ours. And vice-versa. However, there are many things that drive me nuts as well. Rude cellphone talkers for example. I was in my doctor's waiting room when this woman began shouting into her cellphone, totally disregarding everyone else in the waiting area. Then you have telemarketing companies who hassle you. And of course there's the old complaint of people who are rude to others on the web. Who write things that they wouldn't say in real life. Anonimity helps them in this case. Whereas - they're probably weenies in real life. Rudeness is a human condition and most of us will react when the right buttons are pushed. You'll find terrible behaviour from individuals on both sides, no matter what the issue at times. The best thing I guess is to take personal responsbility for one's own behaviour and worry less about the behaviour of others. Although that may be hard to do when you're being kept wide awake during a working week by the thunka-thunka boom music coming from your next door neighbour at 2am. Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 14 April 2010 12:12:12 PM
But why is it bad manners for a man not to put the toilet seat down, but a woman need not put it up.
And standing mid lane in the super market is ok if its a group of women but rude if it is blokes?
Do we do any favors for women opening doors and stepping aside if they think it is their right and they do not need to be well mannered it return.
I am feeling the verbal bruising coming to me now but in reality, until life teaches them lessons some young ladys take mens manners so much for granted they demand right of way in cars when plainly they should give way.
Not all men have good manners not all females have bad, but why are different degrees of good manners expected?