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The Forum > Article Comments > Housing: where to now? > Comments

Housing: where to now? : Comments

By Ross Elliott, published 8/5/2019

The future, we were confidently assured, was one where the inner city apartment 'lifestyle' would be the preferred housing option, for a range of demographic, work and lifestyle reasons.

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I believe we need to build several brand new cities. Not either of your either either remedies!

Moreover, we have many rural and regional centres that could use a population boost as well. Don'tbuy any of your city-centric stack em and pack em views.

We need a very different development paradigm that needs must include very rapid rail and urban connecting corridors!

What we don't need are errant activists spruiking for the fatuous urban redeveloper and claiming to know that we the vox pop, want what they want to sell us at hugely inflated and unaffordable prices.

No reason why we can't build between Brisbane and Sydney and from the ground up as a planned new city. Ditto Melbourne and Sydney Melbourne and Adelaide and Adelaide and Perth. Or Perth and Darwin Plus several points in between.

Just need to include MSR thorium power and deionisation dialysis desalination as part and parcel of any future population expansion!

Only reason folk are opting for high rise apartment is folk like you and your redevelopment masters have made high rise shoe boxes the only affordable option for the majority! End of story!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 8 May 2019 10:23:06 AM
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I would rather a bush humpy, than a city centre highrise, although that would be quite as dreadful as a suburban highrise, which has nothing at all to recommend it.

I have a daughter who lives in one of the better modern developments. The streets are too narrow, & the blocks too small, although they do have room for a small pool, a barbeque, & almost enough for a dog.

I live near Yarrabilba a 50,000 suburban development. the blocks are even smaller, definitely no room for a pool, or really enough for a dog, but definitely better than a block of flats anywhere other than perhaps Hamilton Island.

Yes our planners are absolutely dills, with their now decades long admiration for places like Copenhagen, & a fixation on bicycles, for the masses if not themselves. I continually am upset by recent road developments where we lose a lane or 2 in exchange for a bike lane.

Obviously all the uni courses on planning are being run by a bunch of elitist academics who think a high rise flat & a bike is good enough for us peasants. May be the developers who put up their money developing something they have to be able to sell will belt some sense into them given time.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 8 May 2019 12:59:10 PM
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