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Fair go for women : Comments
By Kellie Tranter, published 7/3/2008Women who speak out for equal rights - the same rights, not special rights - are often described as being 'man-haters', or worse.
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Posted by healthwatcher, Friday, 7 March 2008 9:35:03 AM
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Avast there me hearties! There be a sh!tstorm a'comin'!
Posted by Vanilla, Friday, 7 March 2008 9:55:45 AM
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Indeed Vanilla. Now wait and watch as the slighted man-brigade comes crawling out from the shadows.
I can support remedying cases of injustice against men, but when they criticise any women's fight for equality - which, outlined in these stats, is still a battle worth waging - then they lose any sympathy from me. I'm somewhat curious to see what tactics they deploy this time. Posted by TurnRightThenLeft, Friday, 7 March 2008 10:00:55 AM
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well ladies here is the storm! Shame she isn't honest.
Kellie Tranter wrote; "In 1908 15,000 women marched through New York City demanding shorter hours, better pay and voting rights." The Green fields of France" "The thing I didn't realise until very recently was that he, and the men who died in his trench, and most of the other 420,000 British casualties, couldn't even vote. Most of the men - British anyway - who fought in WWI didn't even have the right to vote. Did you know that?It doesn't seem to get mentioned very often. The only gender issue we remember from that time, a time when men were being exterminated by the million, is that women couldn't vote. " "women do more than twice as many hours of unpaid domestic work than men, provide the most unpaid childcare and family care, and do more voluntary work;" In todays newspaper is an article "Unequal pay claim attacked" "What Jobs Pay, said official figures showed men also got more pay because they generally worked longer hours than women. "The women's movement continues to argue about innate discrimination against females but they don't want to look at the composition of occupations and the nature of the work done," he said." Kellie you say you want a fair go, yet the picture you present is distorted by misinformation. The factual truth maybe unpalatable but distorting facts is not about equality or having a fair go. Danielle in another post, wrote "The “correct” questions on a survey could provide evidence that 90% of elderly men in aged care, and indeed not computer literate, were indulging in internet porn." Posted by JamesH, Friday, 7 March 2008 10:10:31 AM
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I'm waiting for the celebrators of International Women's Day to call for more celebration of International Men's Day (on November the 19th).
There are schools that give a flower or badge to every girl in the school on International Women's Day, with all the girls being given talks by various guest speakers, but I know of not one school that celebrates International Men's Day. It wouldn't be saying much to the boys at the schools, and it wouldn't be suggesting to the girls at the schools that they should consider themselves equal, and not more equal than equal. Posted by HRS, Friday, 7 March 2008 10:39:44 AM
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:D Vanilla - Oh dear here we go again brace yourself for the onslaught.
This is a well written and balanced article, but someone will find a way to completely ignore the inherent meaning and the old 'demonising men' argument will be dusted off out of the closet for another airing. Posted by pelican, Friday, 7 March 2008 11:10:36 AM
From then on I have always wondered if the failure of women to get real equality was due to their own efforts. If women are portrayed as being emotional and helpless in the movies, and growing boys watch those movies, then why do actresses play those parts?