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The Forum > Article Comments > Morality, politics and asylum-seekers > Comments

Morality, politics and asylum-seekers : Comments

By Scott MacInnes, published 21/2/2011

Could these five proposals ethically solve our refugee problem?

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“We should make it clear, through all possible means, that no future asylum-seekers from countries beyond our immediate neighbourhood who present at our borders will be settled in Australia, irrespective of their status.
They must go through the same channels as the others we accept whose applications for refugee status are processed overseas.
Such arrivals will be detained and deported without delay to countries with whom we reach agreements for this purpose.”

Without delay? - given the difficulty of establishing the country of origin of those holding no positive identification, that could take some time. Legal appeal processes also might dim the glow from the bright spark of quick action.
Posted by colinsett, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:21:22 AM
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Those of us who are sceptical about asylum seekers are motivated as much by compassion for those who miss out, as by self-interest.
Posted by benk, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:47:08 AM
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One of the main problems with the current system is that it teaches all immigrants that the LAW in Australia is completely flexible and can be flouted with impunity. This leads straight on to Cronulla beach etc.
Once Labour/Green politicians have committed this serious mistake it is very hard to reverse it. But somehow it has to be reversed as the rule of law is the foundation of all civilized existence
Posted by Dickybird, Monday, 21 February 2011 6:59:38 AM
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"One challenge will be convincing the UNHCR that, although Australia will remain in breach of its obligations under the Convention, this is a preferable option to the present unsatisfactory regime."

Send them a quick memo, "sorry, the Australian people, who did not know this was being signed up to on their behalf, withdraw. Most Australians are horrified to find out that successive governments joined a society of thugs dictators and self interested parties, without their consent. The goals of the UN DO NOT take precedence over the Australian people's will .. ever, and if the will changes, then the terms change, we are a sovereign conotry after all"

Let's have a referendum on whether we want to be a part of the UN, and on what terms .. the terms we signed up for back after WWII are long defunct, and it is now a debating society of parasites and finger waggers.

The perception in the community is whenever the threat of UN rules and regulations is quoted, then the argument is already bankrupt and we are now being argued at under "higher authority", as if that cancels out the will of the people.

There are ways we could improve dealing with asylum seekers, but we can't come up with a national strategy AND pander to the whims of the UN at the same time, too often they are at odds with national opinion and perceptions.

Trying to satisfy world opinion, is just a cop out and the dregs of cultural cringing .. who cares what they think? Why does that always trump Australians in the left wing view of the world?
Posted by rpg, Monday, 21 February 2011 7:33:08 AM
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Dickybird, Australian law allows anyone from any country to arrive by any means without any papers and request asylum here.

Why then doesn't everybody respect that law and stop calling them "illegals?"
Posted by briar rose, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:04:42 AM
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Five proposals?...lets see now, 5 take away 1 equals..aah...Hey Percy, come here a minute will ya?
Posted by Wakatak, Monday, 21 February 2011 8:24:38 AM
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