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Russian cannon fodder : Comments

By Bettina Arndt, published 11/10/2022

Why aren't the lives of Russian conscripts worth saving?

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Yes, but there is not a thing we can do about Russia or Russians; we don’t even have the will or the courage to resist the Marxists bullying we are now subjected to in our own lives. We also tolerated male-only conscription during a war in Vietnam that we had no need nor business being in.

Trust the ABC to moan about minorities only in accordance with the racial discrimination wank. The there is then silence of the feminists on women not being treated the same as men.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 11 October 2022 7:51:40 AM
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No…when the chips are down, men will decide outcomes.
Rainbow flag loses, forces of nature win.

Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 11 October 2022 7:59:24 AM
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Speaking as a former soldier, I don't see war as entertainment and anybody who thinks that way is far kicked in the head!

It's not us who see young Russian conscripts as cannon fodder just the criminal, Putin. And as long as the Russian people themselves roll over and beg for tummy rub, things ain't going to change.

All this was started by a Russian megalomaniac with an insatiable lust for power and the restoration of the USSR invading the Ukraine.

He needs to stop escalating, killing men women, children and babes and sue for an honorable peace. Which must include a unilateral withdrawable from all former Ukrainian territory, including the Crimea!

BS referendums conducted at the point of a gun, haven't made any part of the Ukraine, Russian territory!

Mark well my words. Continued escalation can only led to WW111 and nuclear Armageddon! No ifs, buts or maybes!

A sick Russian President may not care and may want to take the world with him, but only if the Russian people continue to roll over and beg for tummy rub!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 11 October 2022 10:23:04 AM
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ttbn. It wasn't any lefty government whatsoever that introduced conscription for Vietnam but your conservative mates on the far right!

Go to the library and do some verifiable historical fact checking for a change before you open your mind and disgorge your usual verbal vomit.

As for young Russian men being used as cannon fodder, I believe, your lack of concern shows a Nazi like lack of normal human empathy. Ditto DD who, I believe, hides his considerable lack/torrent of verbal vomit behind a forever waved, rainbow flag. Sick in the head, da?
I remain without bias, Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 11 October 2022 10:45:42 AM
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Alan B

Your reading is worse than your writing. I did not attribute our engagement in the Vietnam war to the left.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 11 October 2022 12:08:42 PM
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Roll on TRUMP

Trump is still odds on favourite to be voted President in 2024

As Trump's best buddy in Europe is Putin, if the Ukraine War is still going on Trump will withdraw US support for Ukraine, thereby collapsing NATO backing of Ukraine.

OLO's majority Trump supporters unite!
Posted by Maverick, Tuesday, 11 October 2022 1:34:58 PM
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