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Nowhere to go, nowhere to hide : Comments

By Bruce Haigh, published 12/11/2013

Sooner rather than later Scott Morrison is going to hit a brick wall. His no show and tell is already beginning to unravel, as a tool of asylum seeker policy it is unsustainable.

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There appears to be a clique of usually well heeled and privileged people in Australia who think that anyone who wants to come to Australia should simply come here and the Australian people should be hapy with that. This author seems to be among them.

If this author was really concerned about the plight of persecuted people, he would at least mention that far too many of the people claiming asylum are simply economic migrants who want to live in a Western country and they don't care who they have to lie to to do it, nor if they have to break our laws to get in here.

By swamping our kind hearted refugee programs, these people are beneath contempt, and are replacing genuine refugees who have been waiting in the queue. the fact tht this author pretends that this is not happening is proof to me that he is another one who wants the entire third world to immigrate to Australia and turn Australia into a third world country full of third world people, third world problems, third world pioverty, and third world crime rates.

The question begs, why do people wish to destroy the very society they choose to live in?
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 11:15:49 AM
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This bloke again.

Question. Have any of his fearless forecasts ever come to pass.

Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 11:20:00 AM
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Thank you Bruce for highlighting the fundamental nature of the Australian government (of both types) to a huge humanitarian problem. Neither the Coalition nor Labor accept that their policies have played no small part in creating the problem in the first place. Illegal invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq created huge refugee problems. The current support for the so-called "rebels" in Syria are creating further huge problems of which refugees are an integral component.

One aspect that I find particularly disturbing is the blithe disregard for international law that permeates the body politic. As you point out, what Morrison et al are doing is contrary to not only international law but also treaties to which Australia is a party.

Unfortunately it is probably the case that most Australians think like Lego and Hasbeen, a contemptuous disregard for notions of law and accountability, and an ever willingness to attack with ad hominen arguments and spurious straw men arguments.

This government has taken only weeks to show its true colours. It is reflexively undemocratic and while Morrison is a particularly conspicuous example he is by no men's the only one.
Posted by James O'Neill, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 12:47:05 PM
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James O'Neill, "One aspect that I find particularly disturbing is the blithe disregard for international law that permeates the body politic"

What about the international maritime law that allows and in fact makes it a duty of governments to intercept people smuggling by sea?

What about the duty of a government in this case the Indonesians to act against it own Indonesian flagged vessels and crews who are involved in illegal activities?

What about Indonesia's internally recognised responsibility and duty, to accept back their human cargoes? How obvious is that where an Australian vessel has had to rescue within Indonesia's own territory and in easy sight of its shores?

What are Indonesia's many patrol boats doing in the North when some ought be directed to the South?

'Do Gooders' who cherry pick and draft their factoids are in fact 'Do Badders' who give oxygen to the criminal gangs involved in the noxious business of people smuggling.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 3:06:55 PM
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you get the feeling that many on the left are hoping desperately that Abbott will fail (forget about their 'compassion' for the drowned). They hate the fact that only one boat in 3 weeks. What a breath of fresh air since the last mob.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 3:10:01 PM
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The Abbott government is doing just that..GOVERNING so all you red green yellow prats who never picked up a gun in defense of your country and will never when the "brothers" march into your house lay down in the mire of your infamy.
Posted by chrisgaff1000, Tuesday, 12 November 2013 7:46:37 PM
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