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The Forum > Article Comments > The burka comes to parliament: Pauline Hanson's panto > Comments

The burka comes to parliament: Pauline Hanson's panto : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 21/8/2017

She is immune to critique, let alone criticism, and no doubt plotting the next display that will grab the headlines.

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There is always some truth in a good lie; the mark of a good lier is their use of that fundamental to further a false premise.

The lie here is Hanson's false premise that the Muslim community is a threat to Australians, through the simple wearing of unique clothing.

The opposite is actually the truth. Plenty of evidence says that Muslim women are suffering persecution in the public domain of Australia, for their adherence to a religious principal, namely the wearing of the burka.
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 21 August 2017 8:59:12 AM
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I'm sick and tired of all you progressive southern whingers.
You want to whinge about PH, but how many of you scumbags have ever been to QLD, seriously?
How many of you have set foot outside the protection of the multicultural confines of your city safe-space?

In case you're not aware, in QLD, were not yet overrun by foreigners.
It's not like Sydney or Melbourne where you play spot-the-aussie the second you set foot in the place.
Another aspect of this is that because we're not outnumbered by foreigners, we don't walk around with our heads down subservient to multiculturalism.
We still feel free enough to say what we think.

Up here, we dont walk down one street and pass 6 kebab shops, an Ethiopian restaurant, and butchers that specialise in goat.

Binoy, your far too progressive to ever be any good at what you do.
To be any good at political journalism you need dedication to uncover the truth, not try to sell biased bs ratings based articles based on narrative and conjecture.

I think you should pay the money back Australian taxpayers paid for your education.
This article is the type of crap that you should've chosen to post on IA, and not here, as you sometimes do.

And it all goes back to Trump, as usual.
You're just a progressive mouthpiece.
The Aussies I know, their last names are Jones, and Smith.
It's not Kazim, or Ahmed.
You're pathetic.

You have no real understanding of this country or the people in it.
All you know is your bs southern pro-immigrant view of the country, an incubated ideology from a Melbourne uni campus likely full of more deranged progressives with mental issues whilst knowing little about all the people who actually reside across this nation.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Monday, 21 August 2017 9:50:51 AM
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Why are the whole parliament so frightened of this issue that they try to rubbish the only parliamentarian trying at least to publicise it. The Moslem religion is visibly in the middle of an internal civil war, we should not want to have anything to do with it. At the last census there was a small majority of religious nonbelievers. Why should we accept as refugees anyone who continues to profess adherence to either side and accept those only who were unfortunate enough to get caught in the middle because they were of other religions, or no religion or God forbid, gay
Posted by Dickybird, Monday, 21 August 2017 9:54:22 AM
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isn't it strange how the regressives pushing to pervert the marriage act quote countries that have legalised this nonsense as a reason for us being 'backward'. Well Merkel has pushed for partial face cover ban while the burka is banned in France, Netherlands, Egypt, Bulgaria etc etc. The regressive hatred is usually about sides. If its not Trump its Abbott and if its not Abbott its Hanson. The real bigotry came from Brandis and the writer of this rot.
Posted by runner, Monday, 21 August 2017 10:23:13 AM
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Well, not quite a sack over the head, but a serious improvement! A little toothbrush stache over the top lip would likely be more revealing? Jawohl?

Perhaps, if she had been dressed in very revealing attire over the rest of her autonomy, like some belly dancing genie straight out of Alibaba and forty thieves? Some heads would have swung so swiftly that there'd be a few broken necks!?

Now, if we could just do something to that nasal whine? Or the intellect that needs basic issues explained. And therefore able to be completely and utterly manipulated by the alleged assistant?

Please explain, why do we put patently puerile people up to parliament, plainly not intellectually equipped to understand fundamental issues? Let alone stuff complex enough to challenge emerging Einsteins. And isn't that the plane truth?

The world is being divided by competing insanities! Therefore, this is without question, a time to find and focus on what unites us! Not how to divide less and less, with fewer and fewer! Hitler had the Jews, Hansen has the Muslims?

Is that plane enough?
Honestly, Alan B
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 21 August 2017 10:39:03 AM
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All this hysteria over Pauline demonstrating security issues with the burqa yet last year ISIS banned it in certain situations lol. If even Muslims can see the problem then what does that make us?

From SBS news
Posted by Big Nana, Monday, 21 August 2017 11:09:59 AM
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