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The Forum > Article Comments > What to do with Christian Porter? > Comments

What to do with Christian Porter? : Comments

By Don Aitkin, published 11/3/2021

wo issues are important. The first is whether or not anything of that kind occurred, and what should be done about it now. The second is what the Attorney-General should do about it.

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We don't have to "do" anything with Christian Porter. There is no "case". There has been an anonymous accusation. The NSW police have said there is no evidence; and Porter - and any other Australian citizen - is innocent until proven guilty. The witch-hunt against the man - purely political and vicious- shows that we have learned nothing from the ghastly corruption of our legal system that occurred in the Pell fiasco, which saw another innocent man jailed for 400 days.

We have to do none of the things Don Aitkin and other meddlers ramble about. We certainly do not know what happened 30 years ago and people should put their minds to the present and the future. Most of the people trying to dig up rumoured nastiness from the past totally reject history and proven facts when it suits them.

I don't care about Porter. But, the mob hysteria in the media and now on OLO, caused by an anonymous claim concerning maybe/maybe not events over a generation ago, is an indictment of the thorough going shites who are continually sniping at our system of justice, the rule of law, and everything about Western society that is fair and decent
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 March 2021 8:24:18 AM
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Let him go, he's no asset to the Govt. He's got more money than most of us can only dream of to retire on.
Posted by individual, Thursday, 11 March 2021 8:56:49 AM
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Some people might be interested in an article available in Quadrant Online titled, "Accusations from the realm of madness".

This article refers to another woman suffering from a similar mental problem to the one who, the day before she killed herself, advised police that she wished to withdraw the complaint against Porter.

This other poor bipolar sufferer had dillusions of all sorts of terrible things happening to her, including rape, when she was dreaming and even when she was not.

There are so many things that the layperson is so ignorant of that would preclude them from pontificating on issues such as this if they knew how ignorant they really were.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 11 March 2021 9:07:59 AM
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Guilty, or not, Porter will go by falling on his sword. That's politics in the modern age.
Posted by Luciferase, Thursday, 11 March 2021 10:15:50 AM
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Well, isn't HE in charge of the Law in Australia ?
Innocent or guilty is a dilemma of the countless loopholes created by our Laws so the corrupt can operate with impunity to protect the corrupt !
Posted by individual, Thursday, 11 March 2021 10:48:12 AM
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Put him in another portfolio? You have just got to be kidding. Worst idea ever.

At the top boys' school in Perth, Porter was specially trained to be unfit for public office. He showed his form early, demeaning and insulting UWA women for years. He has been a regressive and vindictive A-G, both for WA and Australia. He thought it was a joke, to step out on his second wife while she was stuck back in Perth.

Don, Morrison's continual disparagement of women - and the law - is not trivial, and seriously threatens his government. You are not getting the full import.
Posted by Steve S, Thursday, 11 March 2021 11:26:59 AM
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