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No to increasing the GST : Comments
By Mikayla Novak, published 3/11/2014Reform of the Australian federation should not serve as the stalking horse for worsening our already uncompetitive taxation burdens.
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Given a structural deficit only able to worsen, there is a compelling argument for real reform and massive simplification in this area, YESTERDAY!
Given one can't be half pregnant, there needs to finally be some rationality applied to the funding models of both health and education, if only to eliminate huge wastage and double dipping by management admin fee deducting officialdom, from scarce finite funds!?
For mine, the most logical approach would be a direct (rationalized pro rata) funding model and total local autonomy, to completely eliminate entirely unnecessary fee charging bureaucracy altogether; saving at least 30%, which could then be directed at the coal face and vastly superior education/public health outcomes.
With that done, any argument to continue collecting a GST for the states becomes null and void!
The GST, to state the blindingly obvious, is the principle or only reason, we can't get any real movement on real tax reform, which if intelligently constructed; will #1, finally and actually remove the ability of massive multinationals/anyone to avoid a fair tax share.
#2 Remove the need to also pay tax compliance, thereby reducing the average (local) business burden by around 7%, which is what is currently ripped from the average bottom line by tax compliance costs.
And arguably more than an unavoidable broad based, stand alone tax, would need to be!
A stand alone unavoidable expenditure tax of around 18% initially and progressively reduced; (5%?) is arguably the only tax collection needed!
Particularly, if we finally end all the double dipping and entirely unnecessary bureaucratic involvement/admin fees!
We are with one single exception the most over governed country in the world, and should no longer put up with self serving, mug manipulating pollies, simply protecting their patch or position.
N.B. Tony!
Place the incumbent at the bottom of the ballot; for several subsequent elections to remove the only current impediments to real tax reform and the consequent lowest REAL TAX BURDEN in the western world!?