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The Forum > Article Comments > Is adverse weather mistaken for climate change? The age of politicized science > Comments

Is adverse weather mistaken for climate change? The age of politicized science : Comments

By Murray Hunter, published 6/3/2023

The more adverse weather events shown in the media, the more people believe climate change is the cause. These causality suggestions create an availability heuristic.

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There is no "adverse" weather; there is just weather: something that is natural and beyond the control of humans. I recently again had the pleasure of watching an hour long interview with Ian Plimer, one of the few scientists not caught up in the 'politicised science' hysteria - or perhaps, it should be called deliberate lying in the interests of big business and carpetbaggers.

Climate 'science' is crap. Climate change is natural, and has nothing at all to do with carbon dioxide.

Nevertheless, there is no indication that stupid people, in thrall to even more stupid politicians, are going to get the message before it is too late, and we are all going down with them.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 6 March 2023 7:32:48 AM
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Pollution can't possibly not have an affect on atmospheric conditions just as it is the case in the oceans.
Where does all this pollution come from ? From everyday people who demand goods & commodities & who change climate every day in their homes & cars. AC IS climate change that contributes to changes in the atmosphere ! Artificial entertainment is also a massive contributor as is pointless sport.
So, before they repeat-blame the multinationals companies people should start thinking why these companies produce the goods they produce !
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 6 March 2023 7:48:53 AM
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It's true that many ascribe most extreme weather events to climate change. On the other hand many claim that cold snaps debunk global warming so subjective assessments are widespread. A tougher issue to discredit is sea level rise which has been about 4 mm a year recently and can't all be blamed on land subsidence or volcanoes.

I support steady moves to find alternatives to fossil fuels so we won't be caught flat footed when they are not available; example Germany and Russian gas. My fear is that by say 2040 major cities will routinely have 45C summers and well as high tides. The replacement energy system as currently planned won't be able to cope so it literally becomes a matter of life and death. It would be prudent to have an each way bet on climate change.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 6 March 2023 7:57:15 AM
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I have long said that shipping must surely contribute to sea level rise. There has to be roughly 20+ Billion tonnes of shipping displacement & when evened out over 770 million square kilometres, this displacement has to cause at least a few mm of sea level. Add to this land reclaiming & river borne sediment & the figures soon tally up ! Extreme weather could possibly be attributed to a gradual imbalance of the planet rotation from millions of tonnes of materials rearranged & the weight of massive dams. Removing oil & gas i.e. reduce support pressure from deep down would also have to contribute to underground instability.
I'm simply offering another way of looking at the situation.
Posted by Indyvidual, Monday, 6 March 2023 9:04:48 AM
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Without going into the arithmetic of various factors in sea level rise the main point is that climate change explains several types of phenomena. That is the Occams Razor principle in explanation covers several things. Currently we need one explanation for sea level rise, another for the rising average temperature and another for how records keep breaking for floods, polar vortices, fires and cyclones. This is also why medicine is better than it was 100 years ago. When we understand underlying processes we can take corrective action.
Posted by Taswegian, Monday, 6 March 2023 9:22:57 AM
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Is adverse weather mistaken for climate change? Highly unlikely! Climate change is politized by denialists, who to a generic man see this as a challenge to the income streams? Murray is an opinionated Malaysian businessman and not a climate scientist.

We see extreme heatwaves/weather events and record temperatures when all the natural indicators scream, we should be well into a new ice age and progressive global cooling.

Increased atmospheric CO2 means increased carbonic acid in our oceans which along with increased ocean temperatures is destroying corals. With bleaching events and coral graveyards all over the joint! This probably means, low lying islands may not be rescued by coral growth.

Here's the thing, we do not need to destroy economies or enhanced business opportunities to effectively mitigate against manmade climate change, just the very opposite! With business opportunities on steroids, staring us in the face from every angle.

Just got to take the self-limiting blinkers off!

MSR thorium, MSR nuclear waste burners and power prices as low as 3 cents PKWH. With a profit margin as high as 200%! I kid you not!

Disbelief in a round world never made it flat my friend!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Monday, 6 March 2023 10:37:28 AM
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