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The Forum > General Discussion > The treaty at the heart of Uluru.

The treaty at the heart of Uluru.

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The three pillars of the Uluru statement are:

Albo has promised to implement the Uluru statement in full yet is trying to tell us that the voice has nothing to do with a treaty?

So Albo which version do you want us to believe.
Posted by shadowminister, Sunday, 6 August 2023 6:29:00 AM
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Dear Shadow Minister,

Which version should we believe?

Certainly NOT the misinformation
that is being attempted by the Coalition and the
NO campaigners.

The Prime Minister is correct.

The "Uluru Statement From The Heart" calls for the
establishment of a "First Nations Voice" in the
Australian Constitution and for a "Makarrata Commission"
to supervise a process of "agreement-making" and
"truth-telling" between governments and Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Peoples.

Makarrata is a word from the language of the Yolngu people
in Arnhem Land and a Makarrata Commission would supervise a
process of agreement-making between governments and First
Nations peoples and the truth-telling about their history.

It's actually not that complicated to understand.

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 6 August 2023 12:01:58 PM
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We shouldn't believe anything that Albanese says. How many lies does that man have to tell before Australia concludes that he is a liar.

On radio the other day, he denied saying something that he had said 30 seconds before.

Albanese is a disgrace and an embarrassment to Australia. Each PM since John Howard has turned out to be worse than the one before him.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 August 2023 12:36:18 PM
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In my lifetime every Labor Prime Minister has been a
nation-builder in some way - Hawke, Keating, Rudd, and
Gillard have all contributed something to public life
for the betterment of Australians. That is, they led the
country (and their governments) predominantly for the

Medicare anyone? How's your Super going? Apology to the
Stolen Generation? And the list goes on.

The Opposition Leader, Peter Dutton, is continuing the
Howard tradition of leading for the sake of holding power,
or in his case, leading the race to the bottom (to return
to power) and there is no lie he won't tell to get there.

The same goes for his Party supporters.

The First Nations People lost their lands to invaders.
Will they now lose their right to speak on issues that
affect them?
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 6 August 2023 1:39:04 PM
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The idea is to give aboriginal tribes full rights over their lands, waterways, and beaches as proposed by the States, as the aboriginals claim the lands were stolen. This is done by Treaty and repatriations for loss of rights to the land, [pay the rent].

If the Voice is no more than an advisory body, as Foxy claims, that does not affect anyone else, it does not need to be in the Constitution as there are over three hundred aboriginal bodies already advising the Federal Government. It is not just an advisory body exclusive for aboriginal private issues, it is for closing the gap in returning the stolen lands. "It always was and always will be aboriginal tribal lands". Australia Post is the latest to identify tribal lands, and Victoria is naming streets in new developments by aboriginal names as identified by local elders.

The Voice is the initial program put into the Constitution by the Federal Albanese Labor Government, then it is up to the Labor States to introduce the laws that put in place treaty [as each State was established separately on local aboriginal tribal lands], and repatriations [pay the rent], as Australia is a federation of States.

South Australia, Western Australia have tried to introduce laws that were at the advice of local aboriginal elders. The WA government had to postpone their heritage laws because it was affecting their Yes case.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 6 August 2023 4:00:19 PM
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For over a hundred years, Australia fought to remove race from civic considerations. Yet now we are being asked to permanently divide the nation by entrenching an Indigenous Voice into our Constitution. 

Vote no.

Whatever Albanese says, the opposite will be true. He won't answer questions; nor will his Minister for Indigenous Affairs, who also will not debate Jacinta Price.

The sentiment is now 56% against the Voice. Both Albanese and Burney have seen to that; they are the leading advocates for the NO case but they are too stupid to see it.

Albanese wants to censor free speech because he cannot win a debate on his communistic ideas and propaganda, nor get people to forget his lies about power prices, and a treaty not being a big part of the Voice when he's got the Tshirt proclaiming that it is.

"The rotten history the Voice uses like a weapon is corrupt Left politics and a failure of academic standards. If the Voice is adopted, critical voices may expect to be further silenced, even legally silenced" (Michael Connor)

The Voice offers no possibility for forgiveness or reconciliation. Rather, it seeks to remedy past wrongs by subverting the Australian political system in favour of indigenous Australians
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 6 August 2023 4:29:05 PM
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