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The real Julia Gillard

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I watched an interview with Julia Gillard on the Today Show this morning where Julia was talking about how she is going to let the real Julia show through.

The things that stuck out in that interview for me
- Where the Labor party has been running a safe campaign it was "we" have done this, where the Liberal's have run a safe campaign it was "Tony" is doing this.
- In response to Alexander Downer's comments about Rudd it was a Liberal Party attack on Rudd although as far as I'm aware Downer was not speaking as a representative of the Liberal Party.
- Gillard will lead is confidently forward, Tony would look fearfully behind yet shortly before I'd seen an ALP add listing a bunch of things from the past that Abbott would bring back (regardless of him clearly saying he would not do so). Ad's based on fear.
- Question's which were awkward were just not answered, instead used as an opportunity to launch yet more attacks on Tony Abbott.
- Labor seems to be running the campaign around the leaders (making it a presidential style campaign) yet the leader only get's to stay leader while they have the confidence of the party room.

Every answer seemed to be spin and misdirection in an interview that was about the real Julia shine through.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 2 August 2010 8:11:13 AM
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As you know RObert I respect you but often do not agree.
Maybe it is perception but I truly find it hard to think Julia started this mud slinging.
And to find you think she did, that you see none from your side amuses me.
The I hate a woman leading this country mob are and have been more than rude.
The shrew is one of a thousand insults not being wed even having children, are others.
Remember when that fool called her barren?
Abbott's word is of no more worth than Howard's, both had non core promises Howard's included no GST.
Abbott? he lies he told us so look at his words on climate change birth control can anyone trust him?
He will rename and rebirth workchoices.
If labor uses HIS OWN WORDS against him surely that is not mud throwing but it may be clown baiting.
Posted by Belly, Monday, 2 August 2010 9:02:18 AM
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Belly where did I say Julia started it? It's been standard far for both sides for far too long.

My point is that when she is claiming to letting the real Julia show through most of what was on show was spin and misdirection. If this morning's example was the real Julia we should all be deeply concerned.

I'd like better from both side's. I don't know if you spotted it but on one of Julie Bishop's article thread's I suggested that if they want to mark themselves as different they change tact's on that approach to politic's.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 2 August 2010 9:21:33 AM
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I understand what it is that you are trying to say - now, for your therapy....
Repeat this exercise twenty times..."I will no longer watch interviews with politicians through the popular media - it is purely an exercise in spin."
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 2 August 2010 9:28:53 AM
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Personally I think the 'real' Ms Gillard is scarier than the fake Ms Gillard. I think the public are starting to agree.
Posted by runner, Monday, 2 August 2010 9:41:31 AM
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First I'd like to thank you for starting this thread - a genuine discussion regarding a significant political leader.

Second, I had to laugh, Poirot just echoed my thoughts exactly - The Today Show is not exactly in the realm of hard hitting journalism.

That said, if Julia could just return to the Julia who existed before this appalling election campaign. She started brilliantly then, in the space of a week, turned into plastic. Whoever her advisers were, I be dumping them post haste and looking hard at successful speeches and strategies from the past that led to her reaching the position of Deputy Prime Minister. She is articulate, humourous, quick on her feet - and that's the Julia I want to see again. Before it is too late.
Posted by Severin, Monday, 2 August 2010 9:49:27 AM
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