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Dole bludgers take a bow!

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All the dole bludgers out there, and they know who they are, have blood on their hands as they have finally managed to ruin what was a system that offered support to genuinely needy people who, by the very definition of unemployed, were actively seeking employment.

Now these genuine unemployed, many battlers, are being treated like second rate citizens all because the serial bludgers of society have to be stopped.

It's just a pity that in order to catch the Grubbs, decent people also have to suffer.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 1 June 2014 7:34:01 AM
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First, they suggest very strongly that the number of people who deliberately cheat the welfare system is not merely a small proportion of Centrelink clients it’s a positively a miniscule percentage of the total number of Centrelink clients. They also suggests that there aren’t too many more of them out there who could be caught and prosecuted if Centrelink did more investigations; at most you can expect Centrelink’s fraud investigations to produce between ~2700 and ~3500 prosecutions each year. This will save somewhere between $100m and $150m off welfare spending – consistently less than 1% of the total welfare budget.

That’s a lot of – uncosted – bureaucratic effort for very little result. As noted above the ANAO found that it’s impossible to say whether the ‘Support the System that Supports You’ campaign delivered value for money by saving more off the welfare budget than it cost to run the advertising and provide the administrative support.

Maybe the real rorters of the welfare system back then were the government and officials who spent public money on a divisive ‘educational campaign’ which produced no demonstrable savings.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 1 June 2014 9:25:19 AM
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Butch, what you say may well be true, this government in an attempt to catch, as you put it "dole bludgers", does unfairly target the genuine unemployed. However I believe there is also a philosophical element in this governments approach to the unemployed. In some way their unemployment is caused by a fault within themselves, they must be lazy, they are inadequate in some way, they are not genuine, they need to be driven to be made to work.
In our society we have a bad habit of stereotyping and stigmatizing various groups based on ill founded perceptions. As for penalizing all for the actions of a few, where is the justice in that?
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 1 June 2014 9:37:51 AM
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Garbage 579. Oh & the post is about bludgers, not the conmen/women, who scam the system. Which did your post refer to?

My lady is a consultant with a work placement charity, used by centrelink. They are not a government agency, & are interested in helping people, rather than government. The only money they get from government is for actually placing someone in employment.

As things are tough they need to place people to be able to keep the doors open, & have cut staff who were not getting enough clients into work to cover at least some of their pay.

She has a full casebook of long term unemployed, [over 2 years[, as do her opposite number in the other agencies in the town. In a population of about 10,000 that makes up about 900, or 9%, with only about 25% of them actually trying to find work, & the rest desperately trying to avoid it. There are more than this in the shorter term unemployed, who don't want to find a job, but will take one when it is found for them.

I know your ideology makes it hard for you to accept these facts, but they are facts. Try talking to people like the local turf farmers. They can not get anyone to work for them as a proper job, & are reduced to paying dole bludgers cash in hand for a day or so a week, to keep their business going.

In this area of 1400 people, we have over 200 on the dole, quite a lot young people, who simply refuse to work for a turf farmer, they consider that is beneath them, but continue to get benefits.

It really is time for a serious crackdown.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 1 June 2014 10:37:26 AM
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butch/ya left off the 'l'
blow not bow..bro clearly ya dont know a redirection
[TO STop us talking about real issues/were talking here about 50 idiots
plus a lot of wannabes..but the system..isnt there to judge us or fix our morals..[even the bible says let the wheat[good]..grow with the taresill[....untill harvest[ie death]..letr the dead tend the dead/get govt name calling to end

by what right does govt insult its own charge?
by what right does an democratic goivt discriminate..enough on a few voters top declare drug wars on them[lest we forget the drug war allows secret govt drug dealing agencies to fight secret foreign dug war[yet the war of drugs falls most unfairly on dopers[who smoke a plant/not a drug]..even today/the other redirection/was to drug test doe blodgers

see you boozers stop drinking an d in the morning/your 'dsrug free'..even the other pills all gone/but you vegans and doper no hopers still show proof of canibinol presence[not cannabis presence]
and we smokers getting screwed again

but i know your meaning screw the doper cnohioper interloper
who his own govt declared war upon/who is hated despised more that any kiddy fiddler or carthief..or accountant fraudster.or mass murder..

get off our backs

LETS drown the lot of em like puppies
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 1 June 2014 10:53:06 AM
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The usual BS vilification of the poor and defenseless by you well off bigots.
The usual "I heard" facts and fantasies.
The usual distortions and exaggeration.
"Blood on their hands" indeed. What an idiotic comment.
Blood on their hands like morrison and his gulags or rabbott when people die because they cant afford the new doctor tax?
The usual lies and propaganda that drip from you rightards like poison.

No one is listening to your lies anymore. No one believes you. No one trusts you.
Everyone hates you and your vindictive nastiness. Your spiteful overreach. Your cruel policies. Your heartless targeting of the old. Your treasonous sellout to the billionares and the septics.

It is not the unemployed who are to blame it is this stain of a government and their ideology of hate and greed and exploitation.

Posted by mikk, Sunday, 1 June 2014 11:35:30 AM
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