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Desperate enough to come to Australia : Comments

By Howard Glenn, published 11/5/2006

The use of Nauru and Manus Island from 2001 to 2005 as processing centres for asylum seekers was a horrible experience for all involved and should not be repeated.

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Howard Glenn is the one doing the “distorting”. “Sustained mistreatment”, after escaping from horrors Glenn and company claim these illegals suffered in their own countries? Come on! Being housed, fed, medically treated and educated while claims are investigated is mistreatment?

Howard Glenn pulls out the old “human rights” chestnut, as usual. There is no human “right” allowing people to choose where they wish to live. Human rights have lost meaning because everyone and his dog misuses the concept to suit their own ends. In any case, Glenn claims that “our obligations under human rights treaties were abandoned”, and that action was upheld by the High Court. He needs to accept that that Australia and the High Court does not agree with him, stop banging his head against that wall, and come up with new arguments – if there are any.

Like all people who claim to be morally and intellectually superior to the rest of us, Glenn knows, before these people “desperate’ to come to Australia even leave their country, just how much danger they are in, and how great their need is. He also knows what a “horrible experience” it was for those poor dears on Nauru and Manus, without ever having experienced it himself.

Howard Glenn can offer all the options to the Government’s plan he wishes to. He has only his own, his cronies and illegals interests in mind; whereas, the Government has the responsibility of taking action on behalf of the country it was elected to serve and protect.
Posted by Leigh, Thursday, 11 May 2006 1:12:23 PM
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Another piece of canting from Howard Glenn, Executive Director of Rights Australia Inc.

Let's deal with the Hazara people of Afghanistan. The Hazara people suffered persecution in Afghanistan and so must be admitted to Australia should they land on our shores according to Howard. Yet Ahmad Shayeq Qassem, First Secretary Embassy of Afghanistan told us that 400 Hazara people who returned to Afghanistan from Australia suffered no abuse because of their ethnic background. Mr Qassem also informed us that several of the highest ranking officials, including one vice-president and several key ministers, in the present Afghan cabinet are from the Hazara community.

Howard would no doubt applaud the practice of rewriting history and inventing neologisms to force the agenda of the clerisy so may I use that same approach? If all cultures are equal - the latest mantra of the clerisy - isn't oppression and deprivation now reduced to the mundane? Why should we be shocked. Why wouldn't Hazaras celebrate living side-by-side with those who persecute them? If all cultures are equal the Hazaras wouldn't have any grounds for fleeing. And if all cultures are equal how can we criticise the Afghans, the Indonesians and even ourselves? Shouldn't our 'cold-hearted' approach be the equal of every other country?

Under Howard's plan all we would do is sow dragon's teeth if we let in without question disparate groups who have nothing in common except their love of ancient feuds.
Posted by Sage, Thursday, 11 May 2006 2:10:18 PM
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Well! Another bleeding heart saying that Australia MUST have open migration to suit all the misfit,desperate,discontented country shoppers who wish to walk in here because it will satisfy their desires to live in a free,generous,weak society where anything goes.And they can still live by their tribal,unAustralian laws and cultural horrors because no one has the right to tell them to behave differently. That would be RACIST!
There is too much ghettoism now, too many enclaves of people who despise Australian culture but not the money handed out.
There are millions of sad, displaced or just discontented people awash in this world.We should take them all in?
Posted by mickijo, Thursday, 11 May 2006 2:11:00 PM
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Mr Shayeq is a Tajik Afghan and Tajik Afghans have been killing and slauthering and maiming Hazara for centuries.

He is a sunni muslim and the Hazara are shi'ite. Get a grip on reality some of you people. The people sent home from Nauru "voluntarily" were given two choices. Stay on a stinking hot little mound of birdpoo for the rest of their lives or go back to Afghanistan. In recent travels the signs of persecution of the Hazara people are as strong as ever and many who went back to Afghanistan have had to run away again. Pashtun's slaughter Hazara. Does that compute with any of the ill-informed?

Now to human rights - let me tell you guys this. If you were stuck in a place where your human rights were being abused, where you faced trauma or persecution or torture who do you think would help you? What if you were stuck in prison for years without trial or charge? It can happen in Australia today and vilification can put you there.

Would it be Howard and Ruddock do you think? I can tell you for sure that it would be Howard Glenn, Julian Burnside and me.

In 1992 the Australian government enshrined the refugee convention into Australian law and deleted all offences for entering or being in Australia without a visa. No charge, no crime, just permanent detention.
Posted by Marilyn Shepherd, Thursday, 11 May 2006 2:20:28 PM
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Marilyn Sheperd not you again.
I know everybody is entiled to have their say but as you posted on Andrews Bartletts dairy[one million times] You are a person living on welfare who clearly is capable of getting a job even if its typing on posts.
We have a small amount of tax payers carrying a country. We have a lack of water and problems with our public hospitals and all health dep.
Then we have trouble with child care schools and our farmers are not getting as much as these people from the government.
We are flooded with imports and our jobs are sold off overseas.
When the price of food goes up we will have to import more to feed everyone.
Have you looked in the super markets at the home brand lables lately > Made in UAE.
Your bagging of Australians while you live off the Australian welfare makes me ill.

Get a job and try paying taxes before you tell the rest of us how awful we are.
Posted by Wendy Lewthwaite, Thursday, 11 May 2006 6:54:59 PM
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I am sick to death of this stream of usless, worthles people getting entry to Australia. If they were worth their salt, they would stay at home & build a descent society in the land of their birth. May be, like us, some of them would have to die to achieve that goal. So what, many of us have had to die for our society.
If we apply your version of logic any further you will have us giving refugee status to ex Taliban militia, just in case they are now in danger.
The type of people who want to run away to some where else, to live on the results of someone else's effort, are the last ones we should ever let in.
Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 11 May 2006 8:39:29 PM
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