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Cruelty in PNG: hunger strike on Manus Island : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 22/1/2015

An indigent state such as PNG, with limited infrastructure and facilities to process refugees, let alone resettle them, actually imperils applicants once their claims are fully processed.

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An asylum-seeker who is recognised as a refugee on Manus Island, and first re-settled in PNG, will have a claim for refugee status if he can get into Australia, if he can show that he has "well founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion".

This will be relatively easy to establish in respect of PNG, because it is a very violent place full of the risk of persecution for those reasons, most of the asylum-seekers are Muslim, and the PNG locals will give short shrift to them in a way that they didn't to Australian expatriates of old.

When I was on Manus Island doing refugee cases in 2013, an Aussie expat told me about a 15 year old boy he met. The boy was coming home with his mother, at night, across a golf course in Port Moresby, when they were set upon by four rascals who tried to rape his mother. The boy got a rock and smashed in the head of one of these guys, and the others ran away. "Did you call the police?" asked the Aussie. "Call the police? Of course not!" answered the boy. "I was concerned to get my mother to safety, what would calling the police for the dead guy have done?" Left him on the links.

Another guy I met was a PNG national, from Enga province, working as a security guard. He told me he had been two years in a tribal war before getting this job. "Does the victorious tribe win land?" I asked. "No." He said.
"Money or goods?"
"So why do you do it?" I asked.
"To decrease their numbers." quote unquote.

Rough, tough, and hard to bluff, that's our PNG wantoks.

A recognised refugee would only have to make it across the Torres Strait to make out a relevant risk to the requisite low standard of proof.
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Thursday, 22 January 2015 10:11:21 AM
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But wait, don't refugees improve every society in which they land with their "culture", their "beautiful food" and their incredible contribution to the arts and sciences?
Surely the only way for PNG to go forward is to open it's doors to millions of alien people, after all we're told that before the refugees arrived Australians were just a bunch of drunk yobbos sitting around eating mutton and bashing their wives.

Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, New Guinea for the New Guineans but White countries are for everbody!
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 22 January 2015 12:09:36 PM
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Maybe so, but it is nonetheless, sufficiently advanced with our high tech help, to sort out the real asylum seekers from economic migrants, who destroy their papers, just to muddy the waters and slow down the processing; including unfortunately, real and genuinely deserving asylum seekers.

If people making there way to our refuge centres want to be processed a little quicker; they'd be well advised to keep all their identifying paper work.
Some of which could be receipts showing they lived at a particular address for an extended period, i.e!

In any event, people taking the "EXPENSIVE" people smuggling route, will now have to take their turn and behind those arriving by regular means, and with their identifying papers completely aiding the process.

And our promises to them include, never ever being offered resettlement in Australia!

Don't blame poor old PNG, for problems economic migrants and escaping war criminals may have created for themselves, by destroying what self identifying papers they had!

Almost as if they had something to hide, or would result in their automatic exclusion on character grounds?

And those who think that emotional blackmail is going to serve their ends, need to be advised they will very likely achieve the very opposite, with automatic repatriation being the logical conclusion to that type of (bad character) behavior!

Others living in worse more primitive conditions have learned to wait, without trying on emotional blackmail!

Yes it may work on the irresolute, or females with no capacity for logic, but decide all issues with an emotional response.
Not necessarily a bad thing, just entirely out of place, when we need to give too few places to too many genuinely deserving applicants!

There are people waiting in camps and under much harsher conditions, waiting for a legitimate chance.

They should be given first preference rather than liars, cheats and those who threaten self harm.

Besides, there ought to be enough mostly Muslim countries for Muslims to chose, without trying to impose their entirely alien culture on us!

Particularly when they're diametrically opposed to almost everything we believe in!
Posted by Rhrosty, Thursday, 22 January 2015 12:10:21 PM
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degrees of cruelty. How cruel is it that tens of thousands sit in refugee camps and yet in the last couple of terms of parliament we allowed 50,000 jump ahead of them by using illegal means. Granted some were just desperate but only the naive won't face the fact that many were simply economic refugees. Binoy employs the old guilt for the gullible ignoring the plight of those many waiting to come here legally. By all means ramp up the numbers but son't be so stupid as the Greens/Labour who cost countless their lives in drownings and put our nation great secuity risk.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 22 January 2015 1:05:48 PM
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Anzac Bridge rapist jailed for six years
I bet that young girl was enriched by her experience with an asylum seeker, gee I wonder what he did to annoy his girlfriend's family back in Iran? Surely it couldn't have been that he had a reputation for sexual misconduct back at home and his girlfriend's family didn't want him going near their women folk? Well it's OK, after raping the girl for 20 minutes his conscience came back, the women of Manus Island and Nauru don't need to worry about asylum seekers too much right?
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Thursday, 22 January 2015 1:30:29 PM
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I always wonder at the mind of the far left whinger, and its capacity to completely ignore or green wash out inconvenient facts even huge glaring ones such as the thousands of men women and children struggling and screaming helplessly before breathing in water and suffocating horribly.

This was not a inconvenience, it was a massacre that was entirely predictable, and which Labor facilitated against the advice of the department officials.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Thursday, 22 January 2015 1:46:09 PM
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