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The return of the hungry horses : Comments

By Viv Forbes, published 11/9/2015

We lived close to the self-sufficient sustainable life style that today's green zealots babble about. But life was no picnic.

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An enjoyable article. Our Tony has a need to boost his popularity in the polls with an anti-ethanol policy. Service stations offering alternative non-ethanol fuels increase pump sales dramatically.
Many people drive older vehicles a technology averse to ethanol. Small motors are particularly vulnerable.
Gillard quickly learned the lesson with her cash for clunkers policy, which was coupled with a programme to eventually eliminate fuels with no ethanol entirely.
More example of the tail of the greens, waging the dog of the majority, one could not find, have we forgotten?
Posted by diver dan, Friday, 11 September 2015 10:58:53 AM
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Don't worry Viv, Mike Pope is going to get up in the morning and milk the cows to produce the milk for the cafe latte set. Aren't you, Mike?

Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Friday, 11 September 2015 11:12:26 AM
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A good article, pointing out the madness of our politics, when perverted by the climate change fraud..
Viv did not mention that the reason for the aim to reduce emissions is the baseless assertion that that human emissions affect climate.There is no science which demonstrates any measurable effect of human emissions on climate.
The IPCC predicted global warming would be caused by the carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere, which they asserted was from human emissions.
There has been no global warming for almost nineteen years, so it is about time we stopped listening to the climate fraud promoters, and embraced the use of so-called fossil fuels.
We need a Royal Commission into the perpetration of the climate fraud, followed by legislation to bring it to an end.
Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 11 September 2015 12:13:12 PM
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Leo, you typify the idea that the more ignorant you are on a subject the more likely you'll hold strong views on it.

The idea that there isn't any scientific evidence for global warming would come at a complete surprise to climate scientist?

There is lots of evidence of the increase of CO2 in the atmosphere and where it has come from.

The idea that there has been no global warming in 19 years ( different number depending on which right wing opinion webs site you go to) is just display's your lack of understanding of trends.

Fossil fuels are called that because they are made from fossils ie long dead life forms, mainly trees.

I suggest you stop reading ring wing web site and have a look at a scientific journal or two. Better still expect your not intellectually capable to understand now matter how many blogs you read. Perhaps consider a relevant science degree and then see how you go.

Bet you don't though bet your just fine with being a internet expert, bugga all those years of training ( that book learning stuff).
Posted by Cobber the hound, Friday, 11 September 2015 1:02:15 PM
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The only ignorance to be found on this thread so far Cobber is coming from you.

Tell me, are you one of the global warming gravy train riders, or just too dumb to wake up when you have been conned?
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 11 September 2015 3:58:26 PM
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The hound talking nonsense as usual.
Where is your link to the science which shows any measurable effect of human emissions on climate?
You did not supply it, because there is no such science.
You obviously have not read the climategate emails, or you would remeber one to the effect that the fraud-backers could not show warming, and considered it "a travesty that we can't".
You have a 100% record, hound, not one sensible post, ever.
There is a human effect. It is trivial, and not measurable. Not surprising when human emissions of CO2 are 3%, against Nature's 97%.
Posted by Leo Lane, Friday, 11 September 2015 4:09:32 PM
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