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CO2 just can't hack it.
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Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 1 January 2023 12:58:56 PM
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Well, Ian Plimer still insists that nobody has actually proved that that CO2 is the villain. The gullible, the believers, are always shrieking about proof for everything, but they don't seem to be interested when society and the economy is being wrecked by hysterical reactions to something not proven.
As far as I know, none of the 'scientists' have come up with anything to rebut Plimer's claim. He has said it often enough. He is still saying it. A deadly silence prevails. Plimer is not some nutter: he is a geologist with expertise in, and proof of what the climate has done over a very, very long time. Their is nothing peculiar or particular about what is happening now. Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 1 January 2023 10:30:27 PM
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Hi Hassie,
I don't know where you get your data from but it doesn't match with mine and there's plenty out there that does not confirm what you're saying. On the contrary. There are plenty of reputable organizations that contradict your claims from CSIRO to the Bureau of Meterology. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 January 2023 5:11:39 AM
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Ian Plimer has been a director of numerous mining
companies owned by Gina Rinehart who's a key funder of climate science denial efforts including Queensland Coal Investments. Ian Plimer has written many articles the most recent in The Australian and the errors in it would embarrass any decent scientist. But the man knows on which side his bread is buttered and he'll continue to stand together with such luminaries like Andrew Bolt. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 January 2023 5:22:41 AM
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Here's another link for you: Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 January 2023 5:46:09 AM
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More of the nonsense from a couple of the 'Usual Suspects' when it comes to climate change. With their "Its not real... its not happening..scientists are all communists" rubbish. There is no argument, climate change is real and its happening now, not tomorrow, or next week, now. Why are a couple of conservative old men so in denial, when the truth is so obvious, it beggars belief, in the extreme. But then again, these guys will go to their graves believing, the Earth is flat. Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 2 January 2023 6:18:51 AM
They tell us it will cause the biggest droughts, or the biggest floods, anything they hope they can load on to the poor innocent molecule & us by inference.
It did try to do it for them this year, but just couldn't make it. Yes it tried to make this year the wettest in history but failed. The results are now in, & 1893 is still the wettest year in my district, south of Brisbane, since records began. 1726mm still holds the record.
It didn't fail by much, but this year was still 13mm, [half an inch] lower that the before SUV era. The scammers will have to look for something else to blame us.
It's the same with drought. Driest year here was pre SUV 1919 at 434mm. CO2 tried valiantly to help the scammers with 453mm in 1994 but missed by almost an inch.
Back to the drawing board fellers, nature just aint cooperating.