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The Forum > General Discussion > Don't Tell Greta, Climate Crazy

Don't Tell Greta, Climate Crazy

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Now we know the climate lovies have finally lost the plot or perhaps
they thought we would never find out.
After the yacht that Greta Thunberg is sailing to New York arrives
two of the crew will fly back to Europe and two other crew will fly
to New York to bring the yacht back to Europe.

Hmmm, isn't this typical of the the propaganda techniques
of the whole AGW promotion ?
And they wonder why people are skeptical ?
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 19 August 2019 6:06:57 PM
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It takes low sorts people to exploit an autistic child to tell lies for them, and it shows up the climate crooks up for what they are. The hypocrites probably chunter on about child labour and child sex workers. Her parents should be charged with child abuse, and the adult politicians who listen to her should be certified.

Will she really travel on that yacht? Has she or her guardians seen the thing in action? It looks to be a dangerous and uncomfortable way to travel, actually touching down on the water only occasionally.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 10:18:53 AM
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yeah Bazz and as for the emissions for building the boat. These activist could not be more brainwashed.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:07:57 AM
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This Thunberg is just like the spoilt brats in Australia, aided by their dumb patents, who bunk off school make a noise about climate change.

They will have no influence on the climate or politicians who they can't even vote for; but taking a day off from a school that is part of Australia's education system, which ranks 39th out of 41 developed country systems, shouldn't make much difference to their lack of education and job prospects. They are going nowhere anyway. If their parents weren't also dumb, they would be out on the streets protesting about the low standard of Australian education and saying “bugger climate change”.
Posted by ttbn, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:40:10 AM
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Dear Bazz, ttbn, and runner,

Are you guys alright? Looks like you're all suffering from heightened paranoid delusion. The scientific community is not lying to you or trying to do you harm. Anthropogenic global warming is real and is increasingly affecting the world we live in.

Personally, I think it's now too late to take effective action against anthropogenic global warming and its consequential climate change and believe we are looking down the barrel at our own extinction event.

Are you guys aware that the scientific and scholarly communities of the world are laughing at people like you? I suppose you also believe that the Holocaust never took place and was fabricated by people who are out to get you and that creation science is the real and only form of science that should be taught in universities.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 11:50:30 AM
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'Are you guys aware that the scientific and scholarly communities of the world are laughing at people like you?'

you mean the Chinese, Mr Opinion who are literally building hundreds of new coal fired power stations and are now preaching of the evils of coal? Or are you talking of Australia's Chief Scientist who begrudging admitted that even if every Australian stopped breathing it would make zero difference to the world's temperature. Happy to be laughed at by these hypocrites and all those on the gravy train. At least long after i am buried some might be smart enough to look back at why they are paying idiotic power prices and see how the thieves/deceivers have been able to brainwash young boys and especially girls into this idiotic gw faith.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 20 August 2019 12:06:25 PM
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