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The Forum > General Discussion > Does Australia need to kick-start Republican Debate?

Does Australia need to kick-start Republican Debate?

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There will be many issues up for discussion prior
to the upcoming election. Women's magazines have
been giving us "Souvenir Editions" full of pictures
of HRH Prince George of Cambridge born on 22 July, 2013.
I thought it may be an appropriate time to see how posters
felt about Australia kick-starting the Republican debate.

Wayne Swann the former treasurer wanted this debate, "sooner
rather than later." While Malcolm Turnbull, former leader of
the Republican movement was taking a more considered and
cautious approach.

Should the nation consider such a move during Queen Elizabeth's
reign? And should this be brought up during this election?

Mr Turnbull has made the valid point that:

"There have always been many more Elizabethans than Monarchists
in Australia. It is impossible not to admire and respect
Queen Elizabeth. Her lifetime of service has spanned the
lifetimes of most Australians. She is a human link from one
generation to another, a companion from one era to the next."

What do posters think? If you're pro a Republic - Why?
If you're anti - Why?
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 2:47:36 PM
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Yes Lexi I think we do, and that in time we will become our own country.
This subject brings great laughter,some on both sides want it.
And in truth polly,s stopped it last time by wanting their choice, not ours .
Old lady,s said, wait for it, why don,nt the wait till us oldy,s die then do it!
Blimps tell us they fought for our King/Queen and thats the end of that!
Republic new flag new anthem and a fresh start.
Sounds good to me.
Posted by Belly, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 4:27:18 PM
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Labor supporters are desperate to introduce items where they think they can gain some traction. We had a referendum only a few years back and the decision was made then.

Labor cannot argue its record as it has been the worst ever. It cannot argue fiscal compedence, with a $30 billion deficit this year after catergoracly promising a surplus. Then there is the $300 billion we now owe. Then there is all the abandon schemes they were not compedent enough to implement. The illegal boat arrivals should be enough alone to put the current mob out. Now we know why they were pushing for Turnbull to become leader of the Libs. What happened to 'the greatest moral challenge of our time'.

Why not just debate the 50 plus stuff ups Labor has made, or the $6 billion Rudd has spent since dethrowning Gillard.
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 5:03:58 PM
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Here is a new item to debate.

How did the current government go from a $18 billion deficit just back in May to a $30 billion deficit now. How did they get rid of $12 billion in less than 3 months?
Posted by Banjo, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 5:13:56 PM
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Hi Lexi,

Interesting that so many on the republican
side of the debate are not able to
articulate just what it is that needs
fixing by becoming a republic?

I would love to hear from you
what it is you think is broken
and how this may be fixed by
Australia becoming a republic.

I know ideology is an impediment
to rational thinking but
would love YOU to have a stab at it.


Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 5:25:37 PM
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Dear Banjo,

This thread is on the Republican debate.
You're welcome to start your own thread on
The ALP, their faults, and
the budget et cetera. I would appreciate
hearing your views though on why we should
or should not kick-start the Republican debate.
What happened in the past has its own history -
and reasons for why the Referendum failed.
However, lets talk about now - and tell us
what you think about the Republic, and why.

Dear spindoc,

I'm merely
bringing up the subject for discussion and hoping
to have pros and cons put forward by posters.
I thought it would make for an interesting discussion
on this forum.

My personal opinion really doesn't matter,
but for what it's worth - I am for a Republic - because
I feel that we're now mature enough to stand on our own
two feet as a nation.

I would like to see our Head of
State - a person who's given the job based on merit,
not birthright. I would like to see our Head of State
promoting our interests overseas - not those of
England (which is what the Queen does when she travels).
And I would like to have our own flag not those of
another country, et cetera. This is in no way meant as
a criticism of England. It's merely taking a pride in
who we are in this 21st Century.

That is my opinion.
I would love to hear yours.
Posted by Lexi, Tuesday, 6 August 2013 6:32:02 PM
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