The Forum > Article Comments > Time for Australia to recognise Macedonia's legitimate name > Comments
Time for Australia to recognise Macedonia's legitimate name : Comments
By Metodija Koloski, published 12/12/2013Greece's ethno-nationalist, centrist, populist position jeopardizes the future of Southeast Europe and puts Western democratic ideals and interests at risk.
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Excellent suggestions which Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop should act upon without any further delays. Australia has not better friend in South East Europe than Macedonia.
Posted by Macedonian advocacy, Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:17:01 AM
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Isn't the problem that true 'Macedonia' actually covers parts of several countries, including Greece? If a country called Kurdestan was proposed the same problem would arise. I don't think Australia should take a position on this - it is an old problem from the old world and we should keep right out of it. If Greeks and Macedonians want to brawl about it, please do so over there, not over here.
Posted by Candide, Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:25:35 AM
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Now that they've changed indentity into "descendents of ancient Macedonians" -- right before the eyes of their bigoted apologists -- time for ethno-centric ultra nationalist fanatics from the former Yugolsavia to be condemned for obvious hostile racist propaganda against Greeks.
Posted by LitaPita, Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:48:17 AM
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Apparently it is "human rights" for FYROM ultra nationalists to attempt to ethnically erase Greeks and use "Macedonian" word games to threaten Greek territory. Amazing how FYROM extremists that try to pawn off ultra nationalism and hate speech as Human rights" seem to have a developed a case of selective memory.
"We are Slavs. There's no connection between us an alexander the Great. " - Kiro Gligorov first elected President of FYROM In the 1990s,Macedonians speak a language codified in 1946,spoken by less than two million people, and with a very slender literature. They are members of an Orthodox Church whose authority was established by a socialist political regime in 1968.They are heirs to a 1903 revolution that until the 1940s was described by almost all sources as being Bulgarian. - The history of the Balkan Peninsula" Ferdinand Schevill page 432 'We do not claim to be descendants of Alexander the Great.' - FYROM'S Ambassador Ljubica Acevshka, speech to US representatives, Washington DC, January 22 1999 Posted by LitaPita, Thursday, 12 December 2013 11:53:39 AM
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If you love Macedonia so much, could you please go back there and leave us alone?
Signed. Australia. Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 12 December 2013 4:06:17 PM
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Brilliant article!
Australia is a multiculturally diverse country!! To further re-enforce this, Australia needs to recognise Macedonia by its constitutional name of Republic of Macedonia ASAP! Posted by DJole, Thursday, 12 December 2013 6:08:31 PM