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Advantage but no honeymoon : Comments

By Graham Young, published 28/6/2010

Prime Minister Julia Gillard could attract swinging voters away from Tony Abbott.

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It's pretty much the orthodox view. It will succeed or fail on just how Kevin Rudd reacts and so far he has had the smarts and the humility to bide his time.
People on the right just can't see how adults can come together and make collaborative decisions of a higher order for the benefit of the country that are also in tune with their own need for a life.
Time will tell: can anyone say Abbott would be a better short term or medium term prime minister than Julia Gillard ?
The coalition parties need to be shorn of their hard right deadwood and this can only happen and the job of rebuild as a move toward the centre happens, after an Abbott defeat. At the moment the Coalition parties are just irrelevant Parliamentary deadwood.
Posted by paul walter, Monday, 28 June 2010 10:30:10 AM
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Latest polling - at least according to ABC Radio News - is that votes that had been parked with the Greens were back with Labor.
Posted by Jennifer, Monday, 28 June 2010 10:33:28 AM
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Wow, we really are in trouble aren't we?

We elected Rudd, because he wasn't Howard.

Now we've got Gillard, because she isn't Rudd.

I wonder how long it will be before we are looking foe someone who isn't Gillard? The mind boggles.

Who ever said Gillard was a straight talker, hasn't listened to her too closely.

A couple of her first statments said it all for me. She told us she does not believe in a "big Australia". Then the next breath she tells us she will not cut immigration, when it is labors great increase in immigration that is driving the big Australia problem. I wonder which statment she stands by, if any.

Very Ruddish, telling both sides of a debate that you agree with them. I wonder what, if anything, she stands for.

I have a growing feeling that she is going to try, very hard, to make sure most of us don't know the answer to that, at least not before the election.

If she corrects that perception, she just may win me, but boy, I wish she would change that ridicules hair colour.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 28 June 2010 11:04:32 AM
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"Abbott is admired for being honest and uncompromising"
Does this mean that he is uncompromising about being a liar?
His spin has certainly succeeded beyond imagination if this is true. The man is a self-confessed liar when it suits his cause. Being uncompromising is hardly an admirable quality in a leader.
Posted by ocm, Monday, 28 June 2010 11:14:13 AM
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I'm with Hasbeen on this one. Gillard hasn't given us any hope that the Australian population will be stabilised, nor has she committed to slowing immigration. Continuous high levels of immigration is the motto of both Liberal and Labor camps. Her "disbelief in a big Australia" are only words without substance but, since she's only been in power for a short time, I'm willing to wait to see if she can put more flesh on those words.

Until she makes a firm decision on slowing the Australian population explosion, I'm afraid I won't be voting for Labor at the next election. A good start would be to dump the ridiculous baby bonus or the "breeders scheme" as it's known by many. If it take a cash hand-out to induce people to breed, then I have to question what sort of parents they'll make in the first place.
Posted by Aime, Monday, 28 June 2010 11:38:25 AM
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Pfft- it's not the supporters of Tony I'd worry about- as I doubt he has so much 'support' as he has grudging tolerance by conservative voters.
Posted by King Hazza, Monday, 28 June 2010 11:44:07 AM
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