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The Forum > Article Comments > Exaggerating the terror genie: reflections on a fake sheik > Comments

Exaggerating the terror genie: reflections on a fake sheik : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 17/12/2014

While the Sydney holdup says absolutely nothing about a terror 'wave', it is being read as part of a current, with Australia being caught in it.

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Monis the Bastard

Was a special multicultural category all Australians are in love with. We are so tolerant that it sometimes kills us. Happy trusting vegemites.

The Bastard was a walking Advertisement for Islam. Islam is the religion of peace, isn't it?

So let us all be most tolerant until the next Muslim outrage doubles the size of our security agencies and sends more of our soldiers to Iraq to be killed, by Muslims, the religionistas of peace.
Posted by plantagenet, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 8:29:27 AM
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Yes, keep crying "Wolf", trying to impress us that "we have saved you from the wolf" - nobody believes you anyway and now nobody will believe if ever a real terrorist attacks.

Government is the problem, not the solution!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 8:30:19 AM
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I think you miss the point no matter who well versed in his religion he is doesn't have any baring on his ability of motivation to commit this terror act.

I'm sure the gunmen at the school in Pakistan today and the hundreds walking bombs didn't have full marks in their Islamic scholarship.

That fact that large number of Muslims don't go out and commit these acts also has no barring on the perpetrators motivations.

The minute someone believes they can kill based on their religious convictions, they have crossed a line.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 8:33:49 AM
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Our PM is desperately trying to raise a madman in to a terrorist .for his distraction policy from the mismanagement of government

Posted by ben gershon, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 9:07:57 AM
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"The minute someone believes they can kill based on their religious convictions, they have crossed a line."

That is the guts of the problem.
The whole of the Islam faith has crossed the line. The Koran specifically authorises the murder of prisoners of war ( conquered males) who will not convert to Islam. It does not require it but it authorises it.

We are as entitled to distinguish against Islam as we are against Nazis.

Only 15 % of Germans were Nazis but Nazis, with the help of the other 85%, were responsible for the deaths of 50 million people.
Posted by Old Man, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 9:15:13 AM
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'"The minute someone believes they can kill based on their religious convictions, they have crossed a line."'

feminist /secularist crossed that line a long time ago when legalising killing the unborn. Out of sight but just as gruesome as Islamic killers.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 17 December 2014 9:20:04 AM
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