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The Forum > Article Comments > Closing in: Tony Abbott and the electoral letter of suicide > Comments

Closing in: Tony Abbott and the electoral letter of suicide : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 17/8/2015

'Choppergate' assumed plague like proportions, even finding voices of condemnation within the shock jock fraternity. The conservative clan were in revolt. The prime minister had gone too far.

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Let's make this a one term Liberal government, so they relearn that they are supposed to be Liberals not conservatives. Get rid of Abott and bring on Turnbull.
Posted by Cobber the hound, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:51:45 AM
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Bishop, Bishop, Bishop! What about Burke, Burk, Burke, or Hockey, Hockey, Hockey, or any of the rotten rorters; they are all at it because they have seen to it that it is legal.

Sure, Bishop did a good job in one go; but Burke snipped MORE in one go.

Why do Left-wing twits like this one use it against their enemies only when it is just as rife among their allies! It's endemic throughout the system, and certainly will not bring a government down no matter how much this bigot tries.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 9:57:05 AM
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And don't forget that Bishop is the only one who has paid for her crassness. Burke the Smirk is still drawing front bench wages, and hypocritic Hockey still thinks the rest of have too much. It was probably him who has had Centrelink dragging in Age Pensioners in to make sure that their miserable nest eggs couldn't be used as an excuse to rip their pensions off them. Yes. Age Pensioners are now called for review. It's sooooo easy to slip up to riches on the pension and take money off politicians for their junkets.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 17 August 2015 10:20:38 AM
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The coalition can still turn these numbers around; and as simple as replacing Mr Abbott with the labor leader out polling, Mr turnbull?

And in turn returning the liberal philosophy of genuine liberalism, that reflects and represents, current community standards/expectations!

Patently what is/has been going on, ain't it?

We've got rid of (Captain's pick) (You vill leaf hunder 94a) Mrs Bishop?

And didn't she look pleased, as the new speaker was sworn in? Will she still get the quarter of a million (set for life)as her annual pension "entitlement" if she leaves now?

Or has she lost that as well? And the reason for her current (dancing in the aisles) ebullient mood?

Time for Captain Abbott to call it a day and join her?

The only way to put the completely distracting "non issues" to bed in a timely manner; and just FINALLY get on with good truly representative government?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 17 August 2015 12:20:23 PM
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Well Rhosty... Firstly, there is nothing new about politicians and their rorts. The beat-up over Bronyn Bishop badly back-fired, as the reality of truth unravelled, tarring all politicians with the one brush! Love-all on that one!
Secondly, Abbott is seen in the public eye as strong and loyal to a fault, and it is the fault that is criticised. That is a standard far in excess to anybody gathered under the Labor banner.
Thirdly, Abbott, true to his word and co-jointly decisive with the talented Scott Morrison, stopped the illegal boat entries promptly!
Fourthly, Abbott, almost single-handedly, put the screech of brakes to the psychotic advance of homosexuals and their Gay Marriage madness, with its insane intent to wreck a social standing of thousands of years.
I think Abbott is actually a breath of fresh air!
Posted by diver dan, Monday, 17 August 2015 1:22:05 PM
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Lick that fresh air laced with crap up while the goings good for you as it will soon be a thing relegated to memory.
Abbott is religion driven, something he said would never happen.

Parliament has the power to handle the SSM solution as far as abbott is concerned. I have the idea the populous is ready to give the SSM the go ahead as other countries have done.

The beat up over bishop got the desired result, and now we have a corrupt judge being paid millions to run a pr programmed Royal Commission.

The boats have not stopped but they are stopping. That royal commission will really be worth listening to won't it. That debacle must be into the Billions over the last 2 years.
Posted by doog, Monday, 17 August 2015 2:01:58 PM
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