The Forum > General Discussion > Free Energy; does it exist or is it akin to the free meal?
Free Energy; does it exist or is it akin to the free meal?
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Posted by Is Mise, Thursday, 6 March 2014 9:10:49 PM
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dear costs ARE HUGE INCOME../exclusive franchise
that reaps the money in..big petro..and big pharma included RE THE JOE CELL..there are MANY DECEIVERS OUT THERE 'POISENING THE WELL'..CAUSE THEY WOULD Hate loosing all that nice energy /health [sickens] naturally even the learned/[especially]..the educated..have been indoctrinated that free energy is snake oil and it is..ONLY TOO EASY TO BE DECEIVED..THUs the attack RIDICULE MOB are adept at picking on one bit..THEN calling the rest as sily..but the joe cell is capturing [tapping into..unlimited potential thaT IS THE BASIS OF life..itself* [others call it dark matter or the god particle/ /yet others orgonE OR AETHER.. IF IT HEALS YOU ITS CALLED A MIRACLE ETC ITS NOT FREE ENERGY..[theRE IS NO SUCH THING] see we with regular energy set up fields and collapse fieLDS TO BUILD UP..COLLAPS in cycles..that you call free continious.. THINK like osmosis]..or a spring..WE JUST CAPTURE ITS NATURAL [OMNIPRESENT FLOW][potent energy] the joe cell has many other uSES..[LIKE ADDING IT TO POLLUTED WATER CLEANS THE POLLUTIONS [EVEN RADIOACTIVITY].. Download PDF document download PDF References Joe Cell interview Peter Stevens of Byron New Energy: Charge compression, implosion physics in water, Daniel Winter: Gravitational thrust produced by capacitors which accelerate charge by recursion Hydrogen bonding and memory effect of water: Icosahedral water clusters. Martin Chaplin: Dr. Emoto’s hexagonal water: Torsion fields, Nikolai Kozyrev: E.H.D. Flying Sourcer, Jean Louis Naudin: Vortex gravity control, Paul Richard Price, 2004 : Source charge problem, Tom Bearden: Electrogravitics Systems, Paul La Violette Biefeld-Brown effect: Blaze labs research, lifters in the vacuum The electric universe: Cymatics, Hans Jenny Woutje Winkler-Prins and Donave water: Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 March 2014 7:39:08 AM
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I recall Joh Bjelke-Petersen once promoting a water powered car "invented" by some shady Queensland character. When southern reporters want to inspect this modern miracle of a car, particularly for a gas cylinder stashed in the boot, Joh became very hostile!
The reality is there are plenty of sustainable alternative energy sources available for development. Unfortunately our conservative politicians are so dominated by the vested interests of fossils fuels, big oil, big coal, they refuse to take the much needed government action now to develop a sustainable energy future for the planet. Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 7 March 2014 8:12:40 AM
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As UOG has shown, there are hundreds of snake oil salesmen selling perpetual motion machines that generate free energy.
The fundamental laws of thermodynamics are: 1 the conservation of mass and energy, or commonly know as the "no free lunch Law". Water is in a very stable chemical state, and can only be used to produce power if energy is put into it to make it steam or separate hydrogen and oxygen. 2 Entropy continuously increases, which in layman's terms is that no process is 100% efficient. ie if you put a megajoule into the water to make it steam or separate hydrogen / oxygen, you will get far less out, probably 1/3rd. Additional applicable laws are: 3 If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. 4 There is a sucker born every minute. Posted by Shadow Minister, Friday, 7 March 2014 8:29:21 AM
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A terribly hard piece of scripture to read. Water is hydrogen and oxygen and nothing else. I think the author is extracting blood from stone, and having his type of fun doing it.
Hydrogen one day may come into being, but no sign of that yet. Popetual motion does not exist. Probably best to stick with your solar panels as sunshine is free, but your panels cost money, they are also good for your bills bottom line. Posted by 579, Friday, 7 March 2014 9:25:35 AM
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ENTER..THE*SHADOW..[a..shade low]../quote..<<..The fundamental laws of..thermodynamics>>
PLEASE/Sire...'thermo"..means what? temperature..dynamics..are:..<<..1..the conservation*..of mass and energy>> OK SO..what your temperature dynamics [as opposed to dark matters..cold DYNamics?]..are..[or is?] *..the conservation..[ie preservation]..of mass/[WEIGHT?]..AND ENERGY MY DEAR MAN..SEE/ITS..GOOBLIDY GOOK SEE OLD MATE..YOU LEARNED IT OFF..BY ROTE..NOT REALY EVen checking..what it means..[please dear boy..can you write the law more clearly.. [write plain unthinking/ROTE..memorisation of juNK WORDS WORDS..HAVE YOU UNDER..THEIR SPELL..OLD PAL SO YOU DESCRIBED..THE KNOWN HOT/THERMO-LAW..of the dymaics of state? joe gas is cold dynamics..THAT NEEDS NO MATTER[..IE NO MASS] THAT Conserves ENERGY..]UNLIKE THE ENERGY YOUR CURRENT SYSTEM..HAS NEAR USED UP..[NOT CONSERVED/BY BURNING] IE..*NOT Conserved..yet its called..the law..of conservation? what YOUR Conserving..the weight/MASS..of the coal CONVERTED INTO ENERGY PLEASE.OLD WISE One..stop remembering..the rote/laws look at the reality ..others are doing..[or in thyne own words mass/energy thermo..its...bull shhhh IT..<<>.The fundamental laws of thermodynamics are:..1 the conservation..of mass and energy,..or commonly the.."no free lunch Law".>>..because we damm/near consumed..THE LOT..OF IT...[SUBSUMED..IT/ALL] YOU..CON-SERVED the coal MASS..BECAME FLY ASH BY GIVING UP...[NOT CONSERVING]..ITS ENERGY So we move froM GOBBILDY GOOk to << in a very..stable chemical state,>> yep..buT JUST ADD..A little recuperates..easilly into oxygen/hydrogen..or evaporates..into gas/water vapor..or steam..or ice yep its a..very stable chemical..though..MANY..OF/CHANGES..OF/state/ <<..and can...only be used to produce..THERMO-power[used/mass] put into make it..[change-state]...steam..or separate..hydrogen and oxygen.>> IF..ALL BEFORE IT..WAS BULL..THE FRUIT/IS BULL so..the thermo/law...for water is bull we*..dont heat no water..[please usee,..your..LOGICAL-mind bro] lot..using the conSERVation rubbish..of change of state..retaining mass/energy? its all just rubbish in..ruBBISH OUT FIRST LAW IS MISLEADING/or energy[induCING A CHANGE.OF STATE]..<<..2 Entropy..continuously increases,>> PROVE IT <<.. which in layman's terms.*is that no process is 100% efficient.>> SAY IT IN CLEAR LANGUAGE [ ENTROPY=DECAY/DEATH DYING Continuously Dying..*?increases..? rubbish..[gobbildy GOOK.. << you put...a megajoule>..[not mass/but..the heat a given mass],,<<..into the make it steam..or separate hydrogen/oxygen,..[via/generating/collapsing..ENERGY-FIELDS]..<< will..get far less out,..probably 1/3rd.>>.. ps..we arnt heating the moter..the water..YOUR/MIND..nor nuthin burning create energy..isnt a law..of conserving nuthin too clever/by half. Posted by one under god, Friday, 7 March 2014 9:44:42 AM