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James Comey's testimony : Comments

By Binoy Kampmark, published 13/6/2017

Life may be a stage, but Trumpland is a flickering pantomime, destroying any pretence of virtue in politics. There are only positions, opponents, and resolutions.

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Speaking of flickering light, let's keep them shining on this reality: the Soviet Union has been dead and buried for twenty five years. Russia is irrelevant.
What isn't irrelevant is the traitorous behaviour of the losing team of Democrats.
If I were Trump, I'd start locking them away for a year and a day, (and not under the bong tree), obviously Hillary and her sad sack band of losers, have OD'd on bongs for too long!

Democrats need to accustom themselves to being the member of the "big bad losers" team.

I enjoy this author, except for his support of slipping moments of lost reality, like this subject matter!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:21:58 AM
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Trump and accountability, in the finest democracy money can buy? hahahahahahahahhhahahahhahaaaaahhhaqhahahahaqhahhaa choke, gasp!

More revealing "Sessions" to come? Hahahahahahahahahahehehehehehohohohoho choke, gasp, ROF, what are we trying to save? Representative, by the people, for the people, of the people, democracy? LOL Stop it, oh my aching ribs!
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Tuesday, 13 June 2017 11:56:40 AM
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This from a former CIA Intelligence Officer-

"James Comey admits to taking official government documents home and then giving them to the NY Times; he directly contradicts his 3 May 2017, under-oath testimony; he publicly conspires with that stooge of a Special Counsel Robert Mueller to stage-manage his testimony; he refused to tell Americans that their president was not colluding with the Russians; he coordinated his public language with Attorney General Lynch to please Clinton, protect that criminal, and fix the 2016 election; and, just after the hearing, is reported to have been offered a $10 million advance/payoff from a New York publisher for a book on Trump.

The Senate committee, almost to a man and woman, tried to aid Comey’s lie-filled, anti-republic testimony against Trump. Only Senators Risch, Cornyn, and Rubio did the enormously easy job of demonstrating that Comey is nothing but a lying, two-bit Clinton-whore. A good high-school debater would have had no problem doing the same."

It's going to get interesting me thinks

As to the mythical Russian election hacking, well it's interesting the 17 US intelligence agencies have yet to provide one iota of evidence of this supposed activity. Got to make you wonder!
Posted by Geoff of Perth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 12:22:14 PM
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Hi Geoff,

Yeah ! The President is the President, he can do whatever he likes, that's what he got elected to do. He can shag as many Russian prostitutes as he likes, and get pissed on by them to his heart's content. Whatever he says is, by definition, true, nobody can say otherwise.

Wait and see, Trumpf is playing a very long, very cunning game, he'll surprise everybody yet. That brilliant act of being a bully, buffoon and total incompetent, is meant to draw out who are his genuine supporters, and who isn't. Sucking up to China, after insulting them up hill and down dale ? That's just to keep them guessing. Deviously brilliant ! Anyway the world needed a good shake-up. Watch, he'll come out on top.


Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 2:23:47 PM
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I trying to guard against jealousy. I mean we have Turnbull or Shorten. Americans have shown themselves to be far smarter than Aussies. Just look at last nights Q&A panel.

btw have all those dummy spitting actors/actress's moved to Canada now that Trump is President? I thought not!
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 3:17:39 PM
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Binoy it really is time, if you wish to have any credibility left, for you shut your mouth, & stop proving you are a hate filled fool.

Do you really think all these "trumped" up claims against Trump are convincing anyone. We all now realise just how hate filled you lefties really are, & know that we can not believe a single thing of your claims.

If you have even half a brain, this will be your last bit of stupidity, as you will realise this rubbish is all counter productive. This garbage is convincing Trump supporters that they were right in voting as they did. From what I hear, they are gathering friends along the way.

Perhaps you should go read the old one about the boy crying wolf, & realise you, & your mates, fit the profile perfectly.

Wake up to yourself, do some serious evaluation of the anti Trump rhetoric, & only repeat that which is provable, otherwise you are proving yourself a fool.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 13 June 2017 3:42:24 PM
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