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Merry CHristmas or Happy Holidays?
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Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 18 December 2016 3:24:13 PM
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I would suggest celebrate Christmas as long as you still can.
I am in Europe right now and just learned Turkish authorities have yesterday banned a German school in Turkey from even only mentioning Christmas, and don't dare to think about singing Christmas carols. (While on the other hand there are thousands of Turkish teacher teaching Islam in German schools, paid by the Turkish Government). Sorry in case that was not what you intended your question to be about. It just came to my mind somehow ... Wishing you a Merry Christmas Posted by renysol, Sunday, 18 December 2016 10:07:22 PM
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Dear Is Mise,
Of course we should continue to celebrate Christmas. We have freedom of religion in this country and all Australians are free to follow any religion they choose so long as its practices do not break any Australian law. Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 18 December 2016 10:30:49 PM
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Merry Christmas Is Mise, to you and your family.
Economically we can not dispense with Christmas, as the loss of its financial benefits would be disastrous for the western economies. So regardless Christmas has to stay. Although 63% of Australians profess to be Christian, only a minority of those celebrate Christmas with any real religious fervour. The majority treat it as a holiday season, with the associated gift giving, and receiving, and the piss up and glutinous excesses that goes with it. The 'Coca Cola' Santa Claus has far more prominence before and during the festive season, than any baby in a crib. Christmas carols, to which this atheists is partial, come in both the religious, 'Silent Night' type, and nonreligious 'Jingle Bells' variety, both types enjoying equal popularity. Why do people enjoy Christmas carols, because they sound good, and they help to sell stuff down at K-Mart. I have a Muslim friend, a very well educated engineer, who when his children were young, put up the Christmas tree etc etc, gave the kids gifts from Santa just like any normal Australian. I did ask him why, the answer "why should my kids miss out", fair call. Then again my friend enjoyed a few glasses of 'Johnny Walker' at the social occasions, birthdays, Christmas etc. I probably contributed to his religious downfall, giving him the odd bottle of black label as a gift. Merry Christmas Foxy to you and your family. Yes I agree with your sentiments on the subject, although as I said, I don't think there is a lot of religious significance placed on Christmas by the majority of professed Christians in Australia, it tends to take a back seat to the fun stuff like eating, drinking and being merry at this time of the year. I don't know when Christ was born, although it is highly unlikely it was December 25th, it has 1 chance in 365. Was Jesus a Capricorn, again probably not. My favorite Christmas carol, with plenty of Santa and no Jesus. What is yours? Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 19 December 2016 4:50:48 AM
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Dear Paul,
A Merry Christmas to you and yours from me and mine. Wishing everyone on this Forum a Joyous Festive Season and a Healthy, Safe, and Good New Year. Posted by Foxy, Monday, 19 December 2016 7:33:11 AM
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Dearest Foxy,
I agree with you. I'm in a singing group (Sing Australia) and currently we are doing Christmas gigs every few days: two last Saturday, one at the airport and one on a lovely bloke's front lawn for all of his neighbours. I've always been an atheist and always will be, but I like the tunes, and the general sentiment of good wishes. W. G. James wrote some fantastic Australian songs, including a couple for Christmas. Mind you, I'm dreading having to do 'Jingle Bell Rock' yet again. And again. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all OLO contributors and readers ! Love, Joe Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 19 December 2016 8:02:21 AM
so should we, as Australians, celebrate Christmas, with all of its trappings or should we move for the abolition of all religious holidays and leave the celebration of Christmas to private religious practice?