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Eco Terrorists

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Eco terrorists is psychiatrist Dr. Tanveer Ahmed's description of climate protesters who, he believes, are getting "nuttier and nuttier", mingling their personal resentment with political ideology.

The protesters' personal lives have not gone the way they would have liked; so they protest against civilisation. It's all about them and their mania to be noticed.

"Performative victimhood" is the title for their behaviour. They are trying to deal with their own psychological problems. 'Look at me. Look at me'.

The infantile protesters are not helped by parents telling them how 'anxious' they are. Actually, it is the anxiety of the parents themselves and the leaders of the "apoplectic culture" who have lied to them and reacted disproportionately to climate change who are the real problem.
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 10 November 2022 11:11:00 AM
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A common feature of despicable authoritarian regimes is they label non violent protestors

And not only is a certain psychiatrist doing the same, but you are too: you ludicrously accuse them as protesting against civilisation!

In reality, civilisation would be a lot better if everyone valued the environment.

I doubt the protestors' stunts will really achieve anything much, but they're certainly not terrorists.
Posted by Aidan, Thursday, 10 November 2022 11:41:46 AM
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I thought that the term - ecoterrorists applied only
to extremists. Most protesters for saving our environment
are peaceful and -
are not eco-terrorists. I can't imagine people like
David Attenborough contaminating water supplies, destroying
energy utilities, deploying anthrax and other biological
agents to make a point.

Eco-terrorism has also been used in war. For example in the
1960s and 70s the US military used Agent Orange to destroy
forest cover in Vietnam. And, in 1991 Iraqi military forces
retreating during the Persian Gulf War set fire to Kuwaiti
oil wells causing significant environmental damage. The Roma
Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted in 1998
defines such destruction as a war crime.

Britannica has much more:
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 10 November 2022 12:15:47 PM
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but they're certainly not terrorists.
They are social terrorists i.e. Soldiers of parasitism !
Posted by Indyvidual, Thursday, 10 November 2022 12:38:23 PM
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Please be more specific.

Sound bytes and sloganeering carries no weight.
Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 10 November 2022 12:57:45 PM
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Tanveer Ahmed is not a "regime", he is giving his personal opinion that these protests against other people's property, and the damage done, is a form of terrorism. He is also a working psychiatrist fully qualified to describe the problems these protesters have with their lives, and the motives they have for their actions.

I have not expressed any opinion of my own. Others are welcome to express their opinions.

However, now that the word 'extremists' has entered the conversation, I will say that I think that glueing yourself to priceless works of art, roadways etc. is extreme, and totally out of all proportion - never mind useless and juvenile. So, 'terrorist' is a fitting word
Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 10 November 2022 2:01:50 PM
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