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The Forum > Article Comments > Do this generation's female journalists lack talent? > Comments

Do this generation's female journalists lack talent? : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 13/5/2013

Loudly and proudly dismissing Barker as cheap and nefarious protects political interests, in this case gender equality, from cold, hard reality.

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Long on rhetoric, very short on cogent argument. Where are the examples? What analysis and comparison has been undertaken of male reporters?
This qualifies as rant rather than rational analysis.
Posted by Shalmaneser, Monday, 13 May 2013 9:11:26 AM
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I think we are talking about different things here. There are certainly the superficial airheads (both male and female) who are not strictly journalists, never ask pobing questions and seem to work almost exclusively for commercial networks. Trioli and Brockie are awesome as are Ellen Fanning, Lenore Taylor and Laura Tingle to mention just three.
The cream will always rise to the top, no matter the profession.
Posted by wantok, Monday, 13 May 2013 9:46:30 AM
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The MSM and public broadcasters are in a mess. For various reasons the media has clearly split into left and right camps, they have become the champions by proxy of political ideology and as a direct consequence, they no longer know who or what they are, mostly they are no longer journalists. They have compromised whatever professionalism they might have once claimed.

The changes to the market, delivery technologies and funding mechanisms have added to their woes and since they don’t seem to know what is happening there seems little likelihood they can fix it.

I think the issues of gender are a misdirection however, it is clear that many of the journalists of the left in particular, present as activists rather than journalists. This applies to commercial and public domains.

Commercial news and current affairs are simply magazine type events. The public broadcasters are much more activist and PC, not a respectable place for any “journalist” to be.

Whilst the public broadcasters are just that, funded by the public, it has not been well publicized that K Rudd granted spectrum/license fee waivers to CH’s 7, 9 and 10. Currently they are enjoying some $600m in relief from our money. What ever happened to the term “commercial”?

With the level of indebtedness our media enjoys, is it any wonder that they have sold out their own professionalism for thirty pieces of silver.

All in all and gender aside, they are generally a shabby bunch of ex-professionals who lack the one thing they need, credibility.

Any criticism of our media on any basis is to be encouraged. And to the media themselves, if the cap fits, wear it!
Posted by spindoc, Monday, 13 May 2013 10:49:07 AM
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No they don't lack talent, but may come at issues from a different perspective?
There's nothing wrong with white teeth or pert breasts!
In the final analysis, the only things that matter, are truth, and honestly validated impartial reporting.
And this very quality is what seems under attack, by, it would seem, MSM; and or, the endless patently partisan opinion pieces, which seem to have largely replaced investigative Journalism?
Moreover, some male journalists, seem thick as two bricks, when it comes to understanding and impartially reporting on, either science or proposed tax reform?
Posted by Rhrosty, Monday, 13 May 2013 11:07:18 AM
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Come on Rhrosty, don't lack talent, you've got to be kidding.

Take the latest move by their ABC in Queensland news. God knows where they found the nice teeth, big pert breasts, & good looks of the current presenter, heavily promoted & advertised in the Australian TV guide before her appearance, but she has nothing but those attributes to recommend her.

Surely the first requirement of a presenter in an audio medium should be voice. Hers, like more than a few on 612 ABC is dreadful. Anyone with tinnitus would confirm this.

Now it may not be her fault, perhaps we suddenly have a news room full of these ladies at their ABC, but since the appearance of this lady, the decay of the once great ABC news has accelerated drastically.

The whole thing has taken on the appearance of a TV version of a That's Life, or a Take Five ladies magazine. Obviously nothing above trivia is to be permitted, & "human interest" as relating to this market, reigns supreme.

I watched a few nights, but once it became obvious that the new format was pitched at 20/30 something women, with an IQ even lower than Wane Swan, I gave up.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 13 May 2013 11:59:24 AM
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One can't help but notice the hard copy media, especially Fairfax, are employing a lot more 'pretty' girls lately. Its probably too early to say whether or not they possess any real talent however I'd personally prefer old boilers with some life experience. Unusually for News Limited, they did actually have a particularly good mature aged male journalist until recently. Mike O'Connor was the ONLY News Ltd journalist I've ever encountered who would have a dig at LNP figures & who would allow comments unflattering to same. Mind you, maybe thats why he was pensioned off. I recall a certain O'Connor story attacking the politically correct usage of 'manholes'. He noted that the widely accepted alternative 'personhole' was also open to criticism as the word 'perSON' clearly referred to a male, likewise 'huMAN. After a bit of waffling, he came up with 'persibling hole' which is quite obviously neither male nor female.
Posted by praxidice, Monday, 13 May 2013 12:39:09 PM
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