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The Forum > General Discussion > The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

The Virus, Suppression or Elimination?

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Just when many thought Australia had the virus under control with a suppression strategy, "Victoria happened", a second wave worse than the first. On top of Victoria, there are grave concerns for New South Wales as well. With virtual elimination, the other six states and territories appear for the present to be on top of the virus, or are they? Can the six hold out with Victoria and NSW as they are.

Without a vaccine at hand, should there be an immediate change of strategy from suppression to elimination? Some of Australia's top epidemiologists and virologists are calling for us to pursue an explicit coronavirus elimination strategy now. The Morrison government is loath to pursue an elimination strategy with the economy in dire straights as it is. Melbourne University epidemiologist Professor Tony Blakely wants Australia to seize the window of opportunity afforded by a second lockdown and push to eliminate the virus, given six out of eight states and territories have seemingly achieved that goal already.

New Zealand famously achieved elimination of the virus using strict stage four restrictions, which Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern summarised as ‘go hard, go early’. Some cases have popped up in returning travellers, to be expected, but for two months there has been no community transmission in NZ.
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 27 July 2020 6:18:31 AM
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Until stupidity is eliminated all other problems are merely suppressed !
Posted by individual, Monday, 27 July 2020 8:16:12 AM
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Definitely, Elimination!

Then extend quarantine time for overseas arrivals to 3 weeks. Also, regarding Australians who want to return just because they ran out of money - just give them money to remain overseas, it is much cheaper!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 27 July 2020 10:26:05 AM
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yep Victoria had the most draconian lockdowns in Australia. That worked well didn't it? Still far more are going to die and have lives destroyed through locking up the healthy in the long run if not already.
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 July 2020 10:41:33 AM
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btw Paul are you off to join your marching marxist mates on Tuesday for the latest round of spreading the virus?
Posted by runner, Monday, 27 July 2020 11:06:56 AM
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Dear Paul,

I think that the Victorian Premier is doing the right
thing. We have only to look at the US to see what's
happening when restrictions are not in place. New
Zealand is a success story - and we should keep doing
what Victoria is currently doing. Suppression - in
order to eliminate and stop the spread.

Fingers-crossed that it will work. And that a vaccine
shall be found before too long. Lifting restrictions
too early could have disastrous consequences.
Perseverance is essential.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 27 July 2020 11:58:27 AM
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