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The Forum > General Discussion > How Long Till The Next Election? One Year, Maybe Two?

How Long Till The Next Election? One Year, Maybe Two?

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The Libs and Nats have now successfully lied their way into government.

Tony Abbott has now completed the most successful con job in political history.

The question is: How long will it last until it all starts to unravel?

The boats will keep coming, we will continue to have deficit after deficit, there will be massive public service sackings, new anti worker industrial agreements will be put into place, the GST increase *IS* on the table despite lying denials, Abbott will be an embarrassment internationally, unemployment will rise, Australia will be on the brink of recession at a time when the world is recovering from the GFC, and the religious social agenda of Abbott, Pyne and Hockey will be forced on Australia.

Australia will be taken back to the 50s.

Australia will realise this election mistake, and there will be another election within 2 years.
Posted by PJack, Saturday, 7 September 2013 11:18:26 PM
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How long until the next election?

The really nice thing about the children on OLO is that they have nothing to offer other than an extension of the KRudd mantra that we have as a Nation, just rejected.

Since there is nothing else on offer I’ve decided to post this response against the last three threads that have emerged today. The nice thing about ideological predictability and groupthink is that the same response always applies.

They fail to recognize that the majority of Australians have just demonstrated via the ballot box, that they don’t share their adopted views. Suddenly democracy is no longer valid if it doesn’t fit.

Tough titties children, night night and sleep tight.
Posted by spindoc, Sunday, 8 September 2013 2:14:22 PM
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Give over you fool.

You have at least 9 years in the wilderness.

You'll have to wait until there are more kids & immigrants, who don't know how bad Labor is, before they will see any success, against the bloke who will be the second best PM ever, only beaten by Howard.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 8 September 2013 2:16:02 PM
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Tough night at the office there P Jack, well, if only your much loved Julia hadn't squirmed her way into office three odd years ago, who knows, your questions may have been answered.

You see, the post 2010 election term was always going to be the term that sealed labors fait, as they were literally given enough rope, and they used it well.

Here's my prediction for the next term.

The first order of business will the the repealing of the carbon tax.

Now had labor put up a decent show, chances are they would have defeated the motion, twice, paving the way for a DD election.

However, given labor were flogged, and the greens and useless independents achieving a dismal result, chances are this bill will pass.

So, in that case I feel TA will also move quickly to repeal the mining tax as well.

Of cause this won't go down too well with the punters as all they see is what's good for them, not what's good for those who drive our prosperity.

So in summing up, I think we will see a similar situation as was the case with Campbell Newman, and I think we will see it sooner rather than latter.

So therefore the next election will be in three years and, if TA can't turn things around, labor may regain office, however, if he can show signs of stopping the boats, stopping the waste, repaying at least some of the debt, and reinstating confidence, then may I suggest you start reading war and peace, because you will have a lot of time on your hands.
Posted by rehctub, Sunday, 8 September 2013 2:26:41 PM
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P Jack thanks for being around and my complements on your view.
See the near hate? here expressed because you said what?
Lets be honest to change the clothing on a very dirty kid, without first washing never works.
It was not our policy,s that tore our heart out.
Not on its own Murdock,s hit team.
We held the knife.
So change is coming.
And when the hatred arrives for Abbott it will be no more right than the shower you just got, we can not all be informed.
Yes a Double Dissolution looks on.
And in my view is needed.
But when? how? is it too much of a risk?
About 7% will win a senate seat in such an election.
Maybe Clive Palmer, already out polling the always shaky Nats could promise his way to quite a few.
Victoria seems to have rewarded a car drivers group! maybe in name only!
Who would make up the new senate.
Who would control it.
Can Abbott pull one of fast? yes in 3 months.
But would he risk his numbers in the lower house?
Complex nine years hasbeens hostile post may be so very wrong.
If the DD goes ahead none of us may like the result.
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 8 September 2013 2:59:08 PM
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I do not like Rudd or Abbot but I suspect when Abbot is shunted, and he will be eventually as they all are, he will be a much despised, ridiculed and hated figure, even more so than his predessor who is just departing the Lodge.

Posted by Shaggy Dog, Sunday, 8 September 2013 4:22:27 PM
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