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The Forum > Article Comments > Islamophobia in Australia: the response of the academy > Comments

Islamophobia in Australia: the response of the academy : Comments

By Jake Lynch, published 20/3/2019

Researchers should be able to furnish us with evidence about where Islamophobia 'comes from'; what it consists of; how it is promulgated and spread, by whom and for what ends.

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Islamophobia is a made up word coined by non-Muslim apologists who wanted a a thought-terminating expression for abusing anyone who dared to criticise Islam or question its existence in the West after it was introduced en masse.

No 'workshop' or 'examination' is needed into the obvious, well-founded basis for the attitudes of Westerners to Islam and the horror it has brought to us.
Posted by ttbn, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 8:45:38 AM
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Notorious Israel hater and Islam apologist, Jake Lynch, is crying that a grants committee refused to fund his latest Cacausaphobic and Hebrewphobic hate "workshop." There must be some hope yet for government grants committees then. I thought all you had to do to get buried in taxpayer cash to was sneer at western civilization and give overwhelming support our enemies? But I guess that Jake and his "workshop" were even too much for the west despising public servant grants committees.

Jake goes on in stereotypical socialist fascist style, demanding that anyone who puts up an opposing point of view must be silenced. Hitler and Stalin would be proud of you, Jake. You have got their tactics down pat.

Now, if you and your comrades want to sell the idea that Islam is harmless, Jake, then given the events of the past twenty years, I would say that would be a hard sell to the public.

Look, Jake old mate, I want you to keep up the good work. I want you and your lefty mates to keep associating leftism as the protectors of Islam. Keep opposing anti terrorism laws which have stopped half a dozen Muslim terrorist attacks in Australian cities, while us right wingers will show the public we care more for their safety, than offending the leaders of a violent, backward, and terrorism endorsing religion. Keep supporting multiculturalism, and our side will support Pauline. Because every terrorist attack against Australia and our friends and allies will drive more people into our camp.

Lastly, Jake, while you and your comrades waffle among yourselves in your academic bubble about "deriving evaluative criteria for content analysis of social artefacts", our guys will talk to the public in words they understand, in values they understand. And that is, Jake, that if a bunch of people tell you in their own holy scriptures that they intend to use terrorism and violence to subjugate you, then you would be a fool not to take them seriously. Especially if some of their members are doing just that, while their leaders blame the victims
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:06:43 AM
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It is not only in Oxford that this bloke writes fiction. If ever there was an area of non academic study it has to be Peace and Conflict Studies, talk about meditating on your navel. I wonder if this bloke has even seen the real world.

Jake, your Islamophobia will magically disappear when anyone, a fair haired bloke, or even a blond young lady, in a bikini cam walk around a Muslim enclave at dusk SAFELY.

Only an idiot academic could suggest this is the case right now, & blame whitey, the victim for the development of his so called Islamophobia .

Wouldn't it be wonderful if some of these pie in the sky academics could just grow up, walk out side for a moment, & see the real world the rest of us live in.
Posted by Hasbeen, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:19:14 AM
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When children are born they know nothing of hate, it has to be learned!

As a boy growing up I was fascinated by stories of Ali Baba, flying carpets and war against the infidel.

I probably reached adulthood before I realized, that I, all my Christian brothers/sisters were the infidels.

Then came the dreadful stories of beheadings, rape, crucifixions, tales of innocents being buried alive! As if it were acceptable normal practice. Dito suicide-car bombings, topped off by the mindless destruction of those twin towers.

Then we had their spiritual leaders comparing young Australian women to pieces of meat, boasting how they would outbreed us to become the dominant culture.

Peaceful cohabitation never ever on the radar. As good as throwing petrol on the fire/ giving oxygen to white supremacists.

Stoked with incidents like Tampa. Further exacerbated by "economic migrants" buying ultra expensive boat rides from transit countries. So they could emulate Muslim migration which saw Buddhist countries like Indonesia Islamified.

As seems to have been tried in East Timor now occurring in PNG, without any real resistance by the observing global community.

Little wonder the far right/white supremacists were given oxygen and allowed to spread their countervailing hate "freedom of speech"!

We're regaled by Muslim speakers seeking to divide us along racial lines, talking about brown and black bodies. Our bloody history.

Ignoring how Indonesia and other Asian nations were colonised from the Middle East by the religion of the sword.

We are lumped in together as if we all of us share a responsibility, even those of us transported here in chains to arrive more dead than alive!

So very few of us had any choice, not like border hopping Muslim migrants squatting on the sovereign territory of neighbours and trying to impose themselves and their alien ideology on their unwilling host nations

. I feel horror and abhorrence for the catastrophe that occurred in Christchurch, but wonder how much of that hatred against Muslims was aided and abetted by miscreant mullahs? And their barely veiled hate speech?
Alan B.
Posted by Alan B., Wednesday, 20 March 2019 11:34:27 AM
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The use of the abusive, derogatory term 'islamophia' immediately identifies the worldview of the user.

The following video should clarify issues for this conference.

Who's Responsible for Terrorist Attacks Interview with Prophet Muhammad - David Wood
Posted by elizabeth4, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:14:29 PM
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Again all I see is more division,
more demonisation, setting groups one against
the other. Will we ever learn that what we
say to try to tear people apart - all that
has consequences?
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 20 March 2019 12:59:22 PM
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