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Winning not lecturing : Comments

By Graham Young, published 22/10/2012

Loved overseas, but relatively unloved at home, Julia Gillard's lecture probably still improved her position.

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Graham why don't they a special word that describes the hating of men.There are lots of women these days who hate men.Is that not one group using their sexuality as leverage to gain advantage?

Misogyny for women and perhaps Misterogyny for men.This special word misogyny,by inference suggests that women are in some way inferior and need a leg up to be equal.

Julia Gillard is not going to deflect attention away from her party's ineptiude by clinging to desperately to women's perceived oppression like some of the Zionist's use the Holocaust as a cover to oppress the Palistinians.

This is all just like World Championship Political Wrestling and is intended to distract our attention away from what really matters.Both parties are guilty of this.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 October 2012 8:37:23 AM
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The word is misandry.
Posted by halduell, Monday, 22 October 2012 8:59:28 AM
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Watching Abbott V Gillard is like watching Alien V Predator.

Whoever has the upper hand - the taxpayers of this nation should be afraid, Very afraid.

Taxation, immigration, low living standards and all the media in the world to disprove it and worst of all PRIVATISATION of every government duty except tax, counting immigrant votes, armed forces, police and government salaries and privileges will no longer be an electoral concern of our leaders. We will in fact be ruled by callous ARBITRAGE merchants from California, while our leaders will become benign dictators.

The article in today's SMH about the Arbitrage surrounding electricity price hikes is PROOF. Despite falling power demand, the Arbitragers are gold plating poles and wires based on rising demand that does not exist.

Whilst Gillard is excoriating Abbott, watch as she hold an inquiry into elctricity prices and ends up kissing lying power company butts.

Kindred spirits mate!
Posted by KAEP, Monday, 22 October 2012 9:44:40 AM
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It's a very interesting phenomena this gender card.

Not unlike the Jew card it must be said.

This misogyny line is genius, it's impossible for Abbott to defend against. Abbott must fight Gillard's aggression with one hand tied behind his back. If he returns fire, he is a misogynist, the new reds under the bed. If he brings his wife out he's hiding behind her skirt, so he's either a wimp or a bully.

You'll see a lot of feminist analysis that poor Gillard because she is female is forced to choose between being seen as hysterical/shrill or be passive, and the trouble women encounter when they dare to be aggressive rather than 'nice'. Never will you hear a mention that Abbott must be constrained in any counter-attack because Gillard is a woman.

I still wager authenticity trumps all though, and I see Abbott as more authentic, a sexist lame, gay churchy loser as his daughter so incisively labelled him, but an authentic lame, gay churchy loser.

I am enthused by the unmasking of Gillard's fight, and I am pleased with her when she behaves this way, as I see her as more authentic. It rings more true than the slow talking headmistress act. But as authentic as she appears in that episode highlights how unauthentic she has been overall.

She would do well to chose one persona and stick to it until the election.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:10:41 AM
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Misogyny is the mystery Prat,she's called the hidden law.

She's the bafflement of Abbott's facade,the source of Labor's disrepair.

Her powers of deception would make Richo stare;

And when you reach the scene of the crime,the AWU is not there.

You may seek her in the basement,you may look up in the air,

But I'll tell you once and once again,Misogyny's not there.

Misogyny is Ginger Cat, she's very tall and ....

Perhaps others could finish the poem.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:19:08 AM
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< Our polling doesn't show sexism as a significant voting issue >

Well thank goodness for that Graham. Crikey, it really should be a complete non-issue. Wherever we have male and female leaders, there is going to be accusations of sexism, to the extent that those leaders would either have to be extremely careful with what they said and how they said it – much more careful than the average person – or just ignore the stupid criticisms.

Meanwhile, we have these two peas in a pod, with very much the same political agendas, rushing us towards the cliff, with scant little countenance from anyone!

Now, if only we were to have an ongoing debate between one political party and leader – Abbott, who pushes for endless rapid growth, and the other party and its leader who said in 2010:

“Australia should not hurtle down the track towards a big population" “We need to stop, take a breath and develop policies for a sustainable Australia. I support a population that our environment, our water, our soil, our roads and freeways, our busses, our trains and our services can sustain"...

...then we might have a meaningful debate on our hands!

I see this sexism stuff, as well as the Thomson and Slipper sagas, as nothing more than the terrible misallocation of energies and the hijacking of meaningful political discussion, at a time in our history when we so desperately need to embrace the path towards a sustainable future.
Posted by Ludwig, Monday, 22 October 2012 10:33:03 AM
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