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Saving racehorses: reform or revolution? : Comments

By Nadyat Gawley, published 4/11/2014

The Coalition for the Protection of Racehorses (CPR) is urging the public to ask whether the glamour of horseracing is worth the cruel deaths of horses every year.

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Yes and sadly there is a level of calloused indifference out there.
From time immemorial, horses have served humanity, and nowhere more striking than when we were at war; and in particular, with the now legendary Australian light horse.
Even so, that years long heroic service, was almost invariably rewarded with a bullet to the brain!
Horses help us settle Australia, pulled the plows that tilled the soil, and the stage coaches that opened up much of the country.
Horses are the only animal that will run untill it drops dead, from a burst heart, for a human master.
And on the racetrack, a few will earn a veritable fortune for their often entirely indifferent owners, with their reward for faithful slave like service; all too often, being turned into dog food well before a natural end.
There's so much that we can do with retired race horses, with Autistic children being often helped, just by creating a bond with a gentled by horse whisperers, "quiet" ridden animal; that has always been special, as it served mankind.
The example shown by the author, is just one of many much more valuable approaches yet to be made common practice, and well worth it if it leads to rehabilitation; and or, an autistic child completely motivated and finally communicating!
And an animal/slave given a chance to live out its days in reasonable comfort and minimalist care.
As for dog food?
Well there's plenty of feral vermin, and if a government would finally see the light, professionally trained sporting shooters, (safe hands, ex-military/police) armed with semi autos, would give the lucky dogs something else to eat!
i.e., feral donkeys, goats, pigs, bunnies, moggies, doggies, buffalo, camels, and deer; its all meat to the average dog!
Mine's rather partial to bacon and eggs served on wholemeal toast or in combination with a lightly grilled T bone, or occasional pork sausage!
If there were no horses heading for the knacker, there'd be a halfway decent income to be earned by professional shooters equipped with night scopes!? A win/win outcome for mine!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 11:05:22 AM
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This article really proves that if many people have nothing to worry about, they will find something. If Nadyat wants to worry about the treatment of horses, she should pick some other than race horses. Compared to most, they have led a very pampered life. In this drought there are hundreds around here more in need than race horses.

If of course there is mistreatment of any animal in a knackery, those guilty should be prosecuted & punished. Perhaps the RSPCA would be more use in policing this, than some of their more doubtful pursuing of some animal lovers who are struggling with costs.

To set the scene, I continue to live on my 20 acres to provide a home for my 28 year old stallion, in his retirement. In this drought he has used up 5 acres so far, & I will have to extend his area if it doesn't rain soon. A stallion must be kept clear of boundary fences, which is a struggle for an old bloke, when kangaroos keep smashing my inner electric fences.

I have owned up to 12 horses at a time, about half of them old or slow race horses. Most of the kids at pony club & beyond, that my kids competed against were riding similar race horse breed animals. I have also breed our own. 5 have died here of old age, as did all the kids ponies.

If after about 3 years of very pampered life, if a horse turns out slow, & does not have the temperament for kids to ride, there is not much choice than putting it down. Provided this is done properly the animal has had a nicer life than many that have wandered a paddock all their lives to old age.

Time for some to grow up & face facts Nadyat , we can't all provide 20 acres for our old horses.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 12:25:10 PM
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Unfortunately, the racing industry is so heavily diffused by the criminal element because of the ability to launder large quantities of cash, the treatment of horses is a mere minor consideration in the overall scheme of things. Next to professional boxing (in the USA) I know of no other more corrupt sporting activity on the face of the planet.
Posted by o sung wu, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 1:40:29 PM
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These people really need to get over themselves. I have a pond in my large garden and all the ducks attack each other and it really is Duck eat duck out there. We are the only animals that rear others for food. You can have a little cry about it but let me tell you these meglomaniacs after they have stopped racing and stopped hunting will just move onto something else. They want total world domination. They/you can all take a hike I am just about to enjoy a chicken curry and I will vote against any pillock politician who listens to these dicks.
Get a job, get a life and stop bothering me!
Posted by JBowyer, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 5:32:37 PM
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Yes and apparently there's a lot of cruelty to bacteria out there, too.

At least the author didn't seem to support banning horse-racing. Banning it would result in the deaths of far greater numbers of racehorses, and more cruelly, than is the case now
Posted by Jardine K. Jardine, Tuesday, 4 November 2014 10:16:18 PM
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F'ing hippies.
I wish idiots would stop treating animals like they are people.
They are not. They are animals.
They dont have any idea of a long life or old age. Or death for that matter.
Cruelty or mistreatment of animals is heinous and should be outlawed. As it is.
But using animals for our own benefit, including killing(humanely) and eating them, even racing them, is not wrong or unethical.
In many cases it is actually beneficial for them.
Do you think wild horses/cows/sheep etc would live as well or as long as they do under human stewardship? Would they be fed, protected from predators and the elements? Treated for illness or injury? No they would struggle, suffer and die miserably.

I think we give them plenty in return for what they give us. Whether it be a steak or a bet or a ride or just a companion, humans and domestic animals have been involved in a perfect symbiotic relationship for millennia and it is largely an issue of spoiled, selfish, suburban white folk that just like to complain and think they are better than everyone else just because they think its hip to be vegan. Spare me.
Posted by mikk, Wednesday, 5 November 2014 8:48:48 AM
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