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Queensland - the final analysis : Comments

By John Black, published 20/3/2009

Interesting times: there could be bad news for Anna Bligh but not necessarily bad news for Kevin Rudd this weekend.

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Lessons in real life.

I credit Anna Bligh on her courage to call an early election for Queensland. The growing uncertainties be they the social cohesive elements, the need to provide more human capital to the bush or the face of scarce resources in the downfall of the World economy....

An election sooner than later, is Good for Queensland.

Secondly, the Premiers integrity to stand firm, in her own right to say; 'If elected as the next Premier, I will choose my next cabinet' .... is the very true call we in Queensland needed to hear.

If there is one thing, as a resident I needed to hear from Ms Anna Bligh, it is that she is willing to address the issue of Administrations in Queensland.

We need to clean up the lot!

This call, in my view, is the making of a leader where there are all sorts of misguided relationships underwriting the apathy, the malign fabric of Queensland, where the aftermath of the Pauline Hanson and Howard debacles are still highly evident in regional areas, such as Cooktown and Cape York.

I add that if we are talking about 'good governance' and "transparency" , than I consider the Cape York Region unworkable in its present condition.... unless you consider the new paint present can continue to be left to deprive the air of real capacity straining, beneath the crustlike spots, the contemptible, no matter how starched the cloak appears from a distance.

We need independent minds to be allowed to contribute and flourish in Cooktown. We have not one.

We need to introduce mechanisms that affront Local Council with opposition. We have not one.

Our council is mostly made up of One Nation - National and Liberal which might be okay if there were also some ALP, or other representatives local. The democratic representation from here is a closed shop in Cooktown, and the Cape regions. They are emotively driven.

I speak for Cooktown a small town that once gave life to the historical charm and pride of a nation.
Posted by miacat, Friday, 20 March 2009 1:49:43 PM
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The lesson for both State and federal governments is that spin cannot cover up poor performance and ultimately there will be a reckoning.

Politicians like to explain losses in terms of a 'poor campaign' because that puts the blame back on the voters for being sheeple and absolves politicians from finally being accountable for their own inadequacies and self-serving ways.

The Bligh government's record is one of incompetence and arrogance. Anna Bligh was warmly welcomed by Queensland and voters showed that they were more than willing to cut her some slack, especially because she was the new girl on the block. However along with her favoured colleagues she worked hard to lose that trust and support.

To top it off, they were always too posh to consult with anyone outside of their inner circle so there was no chance of any change for the better. 'Nuff said.
Posted by Cornflower, Friday, 20 March 2009 7:06:06 PM
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What rubbish Miacat.

Bligh is a dictatorial bitch, who has gone early, because she knows just how bad her government will look in another few months. Just watch the fur fly, if she does get back in, & starts to try to throw her weight around. Still, it would not matter too much, you could not select a worse, or more talentless cabinet, than this last lot, appointed by Baettie. He did have the power to select this no talent lot, to protect his backside.

I can't believe you could expect labor to clean up the public service. Their main strength is the publis service union, & they are mot about to reduce it's number, or make them unhappy, no matter how bad they are.

With no idea of what to do, she has tried to be a Beattie, in a skirt, & that has not worked too well either. A mouth full of teath, does not a smile, make.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 20 March 2009 8:13:21 PM
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Hasbeen, Invective does not constitute rational argument.

Calling Anna Bligh a dictatorial b* is nasty tribalist politics, devoid of factual substance. You add nothing whatever to the debate. GROW UP.

Anna Bligh is personable, non-arrogant and competent. You can't seriously believe that the Opposition, from Springborg down, have much competence, do you?
Posted by Glorfindel, Friday, 20 March 2009 11:07:35 PM
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thank's be the election is near over..,ever since labor abolished the other house it has been a one sided dictatorship run by the beuro-roc-rats, set up to serve big buisness intrests, be they manesium plants getting gifts of half a BILLION,each from state and fed govts, or mearly the water or power monopolies,or mineral or state taxes and riches off the people

when the bejelkie peterson era moved to a sure close the cream of the nationals simply took over the lab rat party,

beatie was a bejelkie peterson case lawyer..[be it for the defense or persicution the results indicate greatest incompetance]lest we forget the young national that was jury foreman,his[beatup beatie's]love affair and admiration for jbp were quite obvious near the end,the debate re anna or the other dude is absurd in the state run by the beaurocracy

lets get the facts straight,the dirt is comming out re what lab rat govt beuro-roc-rats have been doing,privatisation and lease back,favour's for mates,jobs for the boys ,we even had the previous peter of the beatups who said he would resign if he couldnt fix health,[and he didnt]and neither did anna,plus redland's dental health is by appointment only, who runs the state means nothing [cause the beuro-roc-rats run it as a selective franchise[they selrect who can or will run[not the ha ha parties]

but all get off lightly,the demon autocratic national lib mutation will be controlled by the same beuro-roc-rat inbred elites running the state now, its not change just getting out before the poop hits the fan[or making sure top get re-elected before the truth gets out

[an unlikely option as we dont have real media reporting up here, just police policing as the beuro-roc-rats tell them to[for revenue raising and protecting big buisness from being forced to account for their abuses]
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 21 March 2009 12:30:23 AM
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John Black has summed up Queensland pretty well. He may not have been up in the hot North, where the unrest is palpable. When that fool Borbidge won unexpectedly in similar circumstances, his bumbling Attorney General Beanland, failed to roll back the unfettered power grab by Goss in 1991, when he effectively established a socialist dictatorship in Queensland in the model created by Bob Menzies in 1952.

Borbidge deserved Hanson, because he was too thick, and too dominated by the lawyers in the National Party, to realize that there had been a naked power grab, and a winner takes all regime established in Queensland. When the distinction between court and chambers, was abolished by S 128 Supreme Court of Queensland Act 1991, unfettered political power was vested in the Executive Government, and the Australian Constitution was abolished.

No one in Queensland has any property anymore. The Police state established between 1991 and 2009, owns everything, and the separation of powers guaranteed by Christianity, has been made nugatory. Every State that has abolished the separation of powers, between a judge and jury, has failed, and even the United Kingdom is on the brink of collapse. Unfettered political power leads to absolute corruption, as exists in NSW and Victoria. Gangs and Police rule.

When Emperor Ming, in 1952, cut the head off the High Court by giving a paid public servant power to deny access to that court, he repealed the Constitution or Goss would never have gotten away with his vandalism in 1991. In 1996, the High Court ruled the 1991 and 1952 Acts illegal. The Liberals in Canberra refused to enforce that ruling.

Neither Liberals nor the communists can survive in a Christian environment. Australia had a Christian environment because the Magna Carta established that in England in 1297. The English made any trial without a jury void, in 1640, and tried a Republic between 1649-60. They re-established a Monarchial republic soon after, but when the Roman Catholic King, wanted to reestablish a fascist regime, the army would not fight. The Christian republic was established by the Coronation Oath 1688
Posted by Peter the Believer, Saturday, 21 March 2009 5:51:50 AM
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