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The Forum > General Discussion > The UN and Assylum seekers .. religious compatability must figure.

The UN and Assylum seekers .. religious compatability must figure.

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Square pegs do NOT go into round holes..

you can try.. struggle.. push, shove, abuse, rant and rave till the cows come home, but without the liberal application of a plane, mashette, chisel or other tool a square peg will never go into a round hole.

Cultures are the same.

The Burmese Government is embarking on a program of ethno/religious cleansing of rather apocalyptic proportions.


-Christian Karen (approx 3 million)
-Muslim Rohingya's (unknown, 1-2 million)
-All other non Buddhists.

250,000 Rohingya Muslims fled to Bangladesh during this period.
10s of 1000s of Karens are in Thailand.

Some Rohingya Muslims had fled to Malaysia (Muslim country) but then came to Australia and are now on Nauru awaiting future developments.

Without providing masses of supporting evidence, I believe the UN has totally got it WRONG by basing resettlement policies on the incomplete and anthropologically WRONG idea of "Human Rights".

"Human Rights" should also include the following:

-The right to be resettled in countries most culturally compatable to the assylum seekers present culture.
-The right of States not to be burdened with people of a foreign culture or religion.

To neglect these fundamental and common sense principles is to sow seeds of future disharmony and strife. I regard it as totally IRResponsble to play fast and loose with issues of social structure through incompatable cultural intrusion and resettlement.

Christians Christian countries. Muslim countries. any country. Buddhist countries. communist countries.

The squarest pegs are the Marxists, Christians and Muslims. Historic rivalry and animosity should automatically exclude each from ever being placed in the other's areas.
The Muslims along with Marxists have a philosophy of "State".
Buddhists.. don't have any philosophy of 'State' and are more compatable with any country.

...there will be an answer...let it be... let it be...but lets not 'imagine' that square pegs will ever go into round holes :)
Posted by BOAZ_David, Saturday, 17 February 2007 8:23:01 AM
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You would have to be a no brainer to push "multiculture" on to a host people without debate yet that is what hs been done to Australians.
If we say NO we are racist, bigots,rednecks, yet it is our way of life that is put into doubt.
We have a certain fanatical religion here now who regard us as something 'the cat dragged in'.
'Asylum Seekers' has become a scam, unfortunately for us ,one that has worked remarkably well.
All 'asylum seekers' should be sent to the United Nations, let them tend to the wants of those who are hard to satisfy.
Posted by mickijo, Saturday, 17 February 2007 5:21:40 PM
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David, you claim Christians and Muslims are traditional rivals, while you support the allocation of asylum seekers based on religion, are you saying you are happy to accept Christian asylum seekers in their tens of thousands? I gather from reading your posts that you would like to choose and pick people based on their culture and religion, even when they are entirely legitimate, and like to play and encourage social class warfare.

And with you Christian heritage of loving and caring for others, does that extend only to your fellow Christians? And what exactly do you suggest we do to the non=Christians living in this country? Maybe we should sign treaties with say a Marxist country and organise a citizen exchange program based on religion??

Will like to hear from you.
Posted by Goku, Sunday, 18 February 2007 7:50:08 AM
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At such times the very left tell me I am racist, it is not true but it saves debate.
I grew up with people from all over the world ,worked with them loved and laughed with them without concern.
I am concerned about Muslim migration to Australia, from some cultures they are welcome from others parents import hatred and give it to children ,that hatred is against every thing I believe in.
Now or tomorrow we must confront this question, why import trouble?
Posted by Belly, Sunday, 18 February 2007 7:58:04 AM
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I always think that the standard should be set by the other. Would a strict Muslim Country allow Christians to come to their country and live as Christians, dress as Christians, think as Christians and behave as Christians with all their Western freedoms and ways.

The answer would be NO.

Well they cannot expect more than they are prepared to give. It has to do with respect.

It is a concern David, a huge concern and the fact that so many Australians think that because it doesn't affect them now that it isn't a concern just shows that our Education system is failing us and that history is not being understood as history always repeats itself and their are definate patterns.

I do believe that Muslims and Catholics and other religions should not be mixed unless the one mixing is totally prepared to live by the rules and regulations of the other.

Australia doesn't have any rules so its up for the taking.
Posted by Jolanda, Sunday, 18 February 2007 8:42:15 AM
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Damn good idea Goku, I'll second that one.
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 18 February 2007 11:40:42 AM
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